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Item list of E2V-X[]

All Metals and Long-distance Types

All Metals and Long-distance Types E2V-X[]

Aluminum and Iron Both Detectable from Long Distances

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All Items 61 - 68 of 68

Model Number Description
All Metals and Long-distance Type Proximity Sensor, Shielded, M18, Sensing distance: 8 mm, DC 3-wire, NPN, NO, Pre-wired model, 5 m
All Metals and Long-distance Type Proximity Sensor, Shielded, M18, Sensing distance: 8 mm, DC 3-wire, NPN, NO, M12 connector model
All Metals and Long-distance Type Proximity Sensor, Shielded, M18, Sensing distance: 8 mm, DC 3-wire, NPN, NO, Prewired M12 smart click connector model, 0.3 m
All Metals and Long-distance Type Proximity Sensor, Shielded, M18, Sensing distance: 8 mm, DC 3-wire, NPN, NC, Pre-wired model, 2 m
All Metals and Long-distance Type Proximity Sensor, Shielded, M18, Sensing distance: 8 mm, DC 3-wire, NPN, NC, Pre-wired model, 5 m
All Metals and Long-distance Type Proximity Sensor, Shielded, M18, Sensing distance: 8 mm, DC 3-wire, NPN, NC, M12 connector model
Round Water-resistant Connector (M12 Smartclick), Connector with Cable, Socket on One Cable End, A-coding (DC type), 4 poles, Gold plating, Straight, Connections: ①Brown/②White/③Blue/④Black, Fire-retardant PVC robot cable, 2 m
Round Water-resistant Connector (M12 Smartclick), Connector with Cable, Socket on One Cable End, A-coding (DC type), 4 poles, Gold plating, Straight, Connections: ①Brown/②White/③Blue/④Black, Fire-retardant PVC robot cable, 5 m

All Items 61 - 68 of 68