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Omron IA Japan is the best BtoB website of the year 2014 for eight consecutive years.

July 22, 2014

Japanese website; OMRON IA Japan has been recognized as the best BtoB website of the year 2014 for eight consecutive years in Japan, according to the research done by Japan Brand Strategy, Inc. (JBS), Tokyo, Japan. Omron was evaluated especially on the access experience and degree of sufficiency for demand.
With this honor as encouragement, all of us at Omron will continue to do our best to improve our website and the quality of service and support for our customers.

Investigation Summary

The following subjects have been investigated by Japan Brand Strategy, Inc.
Object: 240 sites in Japanese that introduce products/ services for business between companies (B2B).
Period: 16/04/2014-19/05/2014
Method: Questionnaires from 9,702 persons


Japan Brand Strategy, Inc., BtoB site ranking 2014(Japanese)
OMRON IA Japan (Japanese)