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K6PM Thermal Viewer download

Excel add-in tool for visualizing and analyzing K6PM temperature data saved on an SD card using a sample program for the NJ / NX series on a PC. This allows you to list a large number of temperature data and supports the creation of thermal images and time series graphs.

Download File

Update October 1, 2020
Version information Ver.1.2.0
Applicable user K6PM users
Applicable model K6PM
File name and size (5.3MB)

Upgrade Infomation [open]

Ver.1.2.0 Upgrade October 1, 2020


  • FunctionBlock and SampleProgram are separated from download data of ThermalViewer.

Ver.1.2.0 Upgrade July 1, 2020


  • Image overlay on Thermal Image Window
  • Locale support of numeric display
  • Processing speed improvement of Thermal Image Window
  • Locale support of Sample Program by specifying separator in CSV file

Ver.1.1.0 Upgrade February 17, 2020

New Release

  • New release for analysis of data acquired on the NJ / NX series using the K6PM temperature data acquisition program.

System requirements

Compatible OS (required system) Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit/64Bit) / 10 (32bit/64bit)
CPU DOS / V (IBM AT compatible) personal computer equipped with an Intel® Celeron® processor 540 (1.8 GHz) or higher processor.
DOS / V (IBM AT compatible) personal computer equipped with an Intel® Core i5 M520 processor (2.4GHz) or higher processor is recommended.
Memory 2GB or more.
4GB or more is recommended.
Display XGA 1024 × 768, 16 million colors
WXGA 1280 × 800 or more recommended
Precautions .NetFramework4.0 or higher