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Enhanced performance and functionality over the CJ1. A Programmable Controller that inherits all the features of the CJ1.

CJ2 CPU Units provide all of this: Higher data memory capacity, Multifunctional Ethernet port, Tag access and USB port.

Small, Fast, Flexible: The CJ2 CPU Units inherit and improve CJ1 features while also adding EtherNet/IP as a standard feature for high-speed, high-capacity Ethernet-based networking.

A wide variation of Power Supply Units is available to match the scale of just about any system. Models are also available with a Replacement Notification function.

Basic I/O Units are available for essentially any application and wiring method.

Special I/O Units can be used to handle advanced machine control needs, such as temperature control, position control, and communications.

CPU Bus Units handle special I/O and communications needs to achieve advanced position control, motion control, and network communications.

Coupler Unit which enables EtherCAT or EtherNet/IP network communications.

Other Units are available for expansion racks and so on.