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Sysmac Studio Ver.1.[][]

Automation Software Sysmac Studio

Sysmac Studio Ver.1.[][]

Provides an integrated development environment for NJ/NX/NY-series Controllers. With its intuitive user interface, integrates programming, test and debug of logic, motion, safety and vision sensors and achieves an advanced security function.

License portal

License portal: Get an installer and free trial license, view license usage, and transfer licenses.

System Requirements

Item Requirement
32-bit version 64-bit version
system (OS)
*1 *2
Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit/64-bit) *3/
Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit) *4/
Windows 10 version 1607 or higher (32-bit/64-
Windows 11 (64-bit)
Windows 10 version 1607 or higher (64-bit)/
Windows 11 (64-bit)
CPU *2 DOS/V (IBM AT compatible machines) personal
computers equipped with Intel® Core™ i5 M520
(2.4 GHz) or equivalent/faster processors are
DOS/V (IBM AT compatible machines) personal
computers equipped with Intel® Core™ i5-3xxx
(3rd generation: Ivy Bridge) or equivalent/later
processors are required.
Main memory *2 2 GB min.
4 GB min. recommended.
4 GB min.
8 GB min. recommended
Hard disk • Installing Software:
Minimum 12 GB of disk space is required.
• Auto-update *5:
Minimum 14 GB of disk space is required.
• Installing Software:
Minimum 15 GB of disk space is required.
• Auto-update *5:
Minimum 17 GB of disk space is required.
Display XGA 1024 × 768, 16 million colors.
WXGA 1280 × 800 min. recommended
Disk drive DVD-ROM drive
USB port corresponded to USB 2.0, or Ethernet port *6
Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean

*1. The applications listed in the table below have restrictions.

Application Restriction
Sysmac Studio When the Sysmac Studio does not start up with the Windows administrative authority, the
following restrictions are imposed.
• The simulation functions of NC Integrated Controller and the controllers with unit versions 1.09
or earlier are disabled.
• Calibration for running time estimation is not available on the controllers with unit versions
1.09 or earlier.
• The simulation function of NA-series Programmable Terminals is not available.
• ESI files cannot be installed.
CX-Designer If a new Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11 font (e.g., Meiryo) is used in a
project, the font size on labels may be bigger and protrude from the components if the project is
transferred from CX-Designer running on a Windows XP or earlier OS to the NS/NSJ.
Although you can install CPS files, EDS files, Expansion Modules, and Interface Modules, the
virtual store function of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or Windows 11 imposes the
following restrictions on the use of the software after installation.
• If another user logs in, the applications data will need to be installed again.
• The CPS files will not be automatically updated.
These restrictions will not exist if application data is installed using Run as Administrator.

*2. If you create a user program with a memory size over 20 MB, the personal computer equipped with
      Intel® Core™ i7 or an equal/faster processor and the RAM of 8 GB or more is recommended.
*3. Windows 7 Update (KB4474419 and KB4490628) must be applied.
*4. Windows 8.1 Update (KB2919355) must be applied.
*5. This is the required disk space when clicking [Install] button in the Auto-update
      [OMRON Automation Software Upgrade Utility].
*6. For hardware (e.g. PC and CPU unit) connection methods and cables, refer to each hardware manuals.
Note: System environment for 3D Simulation Option is as follows.
      • DOS/V (IBM AT compatible machines) personal computers equipped with Intel® Core™ i5 8250U (1.60-3.40 GHz) or
         equivalent/faster processors Intel® Core™ i7 9750H min. recommended.
      • 8 GB RAM min.
        16 GB RAM min. recommened
      • 1920 X 1080, 16 million colors full HD display min.
      • Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX1650 Ti min. recommended

Common Function Specifications

Item Function Applicable
EtherCAT Configuration and
You can create a configuration in the Sysmac Studio of
the EtherCAT slaves connected to the built-in EtherCAT
port of the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial
PC, and set the parameters for the EtherCAT masters
and slaves.
All versions
Registering slaves You can set up devices by dragging slaves from the
device list displayed in the Toolbox Pane to the locations
where you want to connect them.
Changing the
Coupler model
You change the model number or unit version of a
Coupler Unit. Use this function to change the model
number and version of the Coupler Unit registered in the
project to the new model number and version when
replacing a Coupler Unit.
Ver. 1.09
or higher
Changing the
Servo Driver model
You can change the model number or the unit version
of a Servo Driver registered in a project when replacing
an actual Servo Driver.
Ver. 1.40
or higher
Setting master
You set the common parameters of the EtherCAT
network (e.g., the fail-soft operation and wait time for
slave startup settings).
All versions
Setting slave
You set the standard slave parameters and assign
PDOs (process data objects).
Comparing and
merging network
The EtherCAT network configuration information in the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and in
the Sysmac Studio are compared and the differences are
Transferring the
The EtherCAT network configuration information is
transferred to the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series
Industrial PC. Or, the EtherCAT network configuration
information in the CPU Unit or PC is transferred to the
Sysmac Studio and displayed in the EtherCAT Editor.
Installing ESI files ESI (EtherCAT slave information) files are installed.
EtherCAT Slave Terminal
Configuration and Setup
The configuration of any Slave Terminal that is
connected to an EtherCAT network is created on the
Sysmac Studio. The NX Units that compose the Slave
Terminal are set in the configuration.
Ver. 1.06
or higher
NX Units
A Slave Terminal is built by dragging NX Units from the
device list displayed in the Toolbox to the locations where
you want to mount them.
Setting NX Units The I/O allocations, mounting settings, and Unit
operation settings of the NX Units are edited.
Displaying the
width of a Slave
The width of a Slave Terminal is displayed based on the
Unit configuration information.
Comparing and
merging the Slave
When online, you can compare the configuration
information in the project with the physical configuration.
You can also select the missing Units and add them to
the project.
Transferring the
Slave Terminal
The Unit configuration information is transferred to the
CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC using the
synchronize function.
CPU/Expansion Rack
Configuration and Setup
You create the configuration in the Sysmac Studio of
the Units mounted in the CPU Rack and Expansion
Racks of the following CPU Units: NJ-series, NX102,
NX1P2, and NX502. Then you set the Special Units.
All versions
Registering Units A Rack is built by dragging Units from the device list
displayed in the Toolbox Pane to the locations where
you want to mount them.
Creating Racks An Expansion Rack (Power Supply Unit, I/O Interface
Unit, and End Cover) is added.
Switching Unit
For NJ-series CPU Units, model numbers, unit
numbers, and slot numbers are displayed.
For NX102, NX1P2, and NX502 CPU Units, model
numbers and unit numbers are displayed. *1
Setting Special
The input time constants are set for Input Units and
parameters are set for Special Units.
Displaying Rack
widths, current
and power
For NJ-series CPU Units, rack width, current
consumption, and power consumption are displayed
based on the Unit configuration information.
For NX102, NX1P2, and NX502 CPU Units, rack width
is displayed based on the Unit configuration
information. *1
Comparing the
CPU/ Expansion
Rack configuration
with the physical
When online, you can compare the configuration
information in the project with the physical
configuration. You can also select the missing Units
and add them.
Transferring the
Rack configuration
The Unit configuration information is transferred using
the synchronization function.
Printing the Unit
The Unit configuration information is printed.
Controller Setup The Controller Setup is used to change settings related
to the operation of the Controller. The Controller Setup
contains PLC Function Module operation settings and
built-in EtherNet/IP Function Module port settings.
Operation Settings The Startup Mode, SD Memory Card diagnosis at Startup,
Write Protection at Startup, Controller Error Level
Changes *2, and other settings are made.
Operation Settings
The synchronization function is used to transfer the
operation settings to the NJ/Nxseries CPU Unit or NY-
series Industrial PC.
Built-in EtherNet/
IP Port Settings
These settings are made to perform communications
using the built-in EtherNet/IP port of the NJ/NX-series
CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.
Transferring Built-
in EtherNet/IP Port
The synchronization function is used to transfer the
Built-in EtherNet/IP Port Settings to the NJ/NX-series
CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.
Built-in I/O Settings You make the settings related to built-in I/O of the
NX1P2 CPU Unit.
Ver. 1.17
or higher
Transferring Built-
in I/O Settings
The synchronization function is used to transfer the
built-in I/O settings to the NX1P2 CPU Unit.
Option Board
You make the settings related to the option boards
mounted on the NX1P2 CPU Unit.
Option Board
The synchronization function is used to transfer the
option board settings to the NX1P2 CPU Unit.
Memory Settings You make the settings related to the memory area for
CJ-series Units in the NX102, NX1P2, NX502, and
NX701-1[]20 CPU Units.
Memory Settings
The synchronization function is used to transfer the
memory settings to the CPU Unit.
Motion Control Setup The Motion Control Setup is used to create the axes to
use in motion control instructions, assign those axes to
Servo Drives and encoders, and set axis parameters.
Axis Settings Axes are added to the project.
Importing Axis
You can add or update new axis settings by importing an
XML file.
Ver. 1.57
or higher
Exporting Axis
You can export multiple axis settings in a project all
together to an XML file.
Deleting Multiple
Axis Settings
You can delete selected axis settings in a project at once.
Axis Setting Table The Axis Setting Table is a table of all registered axis
parameters. You can edit any axis parameters here just
as you can on the Axis Settings Tab Page.
Axes Group Settings You can set up axes to perform interpolated motions as
an axes group.
Axes Group Basic
Set the axes group number, whether to use the axes
group, the composition, and the composition axes.
Operation Settings Set the interpolated velocity, the maximum interpolated
acceleration and deceleration, and the interpolated
operation settings.
Import By importing an XML file, it is possible to add or update
new axes group settings.
Ver. 1.57
or higher
Export You can export multiple axes group settings in a project
all together to an XML file.
Deleting Multiple
You can delete all selected axes group settings in a
project at once.
Cam Data Settings The Cam Data Settings are used to create electronic
cam data. When you build the project for the Controller,
a cam table is created according to the Cam Data
Registering cam
data settings
Cam data settings is added to the project.
Editing cam data
You can set properties and node points for cam data
Transferring cam
data settings
You can select to transfer all or part of the cam data.
Importing cam data
You can import cam data settings from a CSV file.
Exporting cam data
You can export cam data to a CSV file.
Registering cam
You add new cam definitions to change a cam table in
the program.
or higher
Editing cam
You set cam definitions.
Transferring cam
You transfer cam definitions to the Controller.
cam tables
You can export a cam table to a CSV file. All
Transferring cam
tables from the
Controller to files
You can save a cam table in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
or NY-series Industrial PC to a CSV file.
Transferring cam
tables from files
to the Controller
You can transfer a cam table that is saved in a CSV file
to update the contents of a cam table that is already in
the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.
Cam Table
You can superimpose the cam table from a CSV file on
the cam profile curve position graph that is currently
Task Settings Programs are executed in tasks in the NJ/NX-series
CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC. The Task
Settings define the execution period, the execution
timing, the programs executed by the task, the I/O
refreshing performed by the task, and which variables
to share between tasks.
Registering tasks The tasks, which are used to execute programs, are
Setting task I/O The task I/O settings define what Units the task should
perform I/O refreshing for.
Assigning programs Program assignments define what programs a task will
Setting exclusive
control of
variables in tasks
You can specify if a task can write to its own values
(known as a refreshing task) or if it can only access
them (an accessing task) for global variables. This
ensures concurrency for global variable values from all
tasks that reference them.
I/O Map Settings The I/O ports that correspond to the registered EtherCAT
slaves and to the registered Units on the CPU Rack and
Expansion Racks are displayed.
The I/O Map is edited to assign variables to I/O ports.
The variables are used in the user program.
I/O ports
I/O ports are displayed based on the configuration
information of the devices (slaves and Units).
Assigning variables Variables are assigned to I/O ports.
Creating device
Device variables are created in the I/O Map. You can
either automatically create a device variable or manually
enter the device variable to create.
Checking I/O
The assignments of external I/O devices and variables
are checked.
Vision Sensor Settings You can set and calibrate Vision Sensors.
Refer to "Function Specifications of Vision Sensor
or higher
Displacement Sensor Settings You can set and calibrate Displacement Sensors.
Refer to "Function Specifications of Displacement
Sensor Functions".
or higher
DB Connection Function
You can set and transfer the DB connection function
Refer to "Function Specifications of DB Connection
Ver.1.06 or
EtherNet/IP Connection
You can make settings related to tag data links
(connections) in an EtherNet/IP network.
Refer to "Function Specifications of EtherNet/IP
Connection Settings".
or higher
EtherNet/IP Slave Terminal
You can make and transfer settings for EtherNet/IP
Slave Terminals. Refer to "Functional Specifications of
EtherNet/IP Slave Terminal Settings" for details.
or higher
PROFINET Slave Terminal
You can make settings for a PROFINET Slave
Terminals and transfer them. Refer to "Function
Specifications of PROFINET Slave Terminals."
Ver. 1.45
or higher
NA-series Programmable
Terminal (PT) Settings
You can make settings and transfer projects for NA-
series Programmable Terminals.
Refer to "Functional Specifications of HMI".
or higher
Instruction list (Toolbox) A hierarchy of the instructions that you can use is
displayed in the Toolbox. You can drag the required
instruction to a program in the Ladder Editor or ST
Editor to insert the instruction.
Programming ladder diagrams Ladder diagram programming involves connecting rung
components with connecting lines to build algorithms.
Rung components and connecting lines are entered in
the Ladder Editor.
Starting the Ladder
The Ladder Editor for the program is started.
Editor Guide
Sysmac Studio displays the operation guide on the
Ladder Editor for editing programs.
You can arrange circuit parts, re-connect lines,
and add lines following the guide.
Ver. 1.55
or higher
Showing shortcut
key list
This function shows a list of shortcut keys for editing
ladder diagrams.
Adding and deleting
You can divide your ladder diagrams into smaller units
for easier management. These units of division are
called sections.
Inserting rung
You insert rung components in the Ladder Editor to
create an algorithm.
Inserting and
function blocks
You can insert a function block instruction or user-
defined function block into the Ladder Editor.
Inserting and
deleting functions
You can insert a function instruction or user-defined
function into the Ladder Editor.
Inserting and
deleting inline ST
You can insert a rung component in a ladder diagram
to enable programming in ST. This allows you to
include ST in a ladder diagram.
Editing rung
You can copy and past rung components.
Inserting and
deleting jump labels
and jumps
You can insert a jump label in the rung to jump to and
then specify that jump label when you insert a jump.
Inserting and
deleting bookmarks
You can add bookmarks to the beginning of rungs and
move between them.
Rung comments You can add comments to rungs.
rung errors
When you enter a rung component, the format is
always checked and any mistakes are displayed as
errors. If there are any errors, a red line is displayed
between the rung number and the left bus bar.
Entry assistance When you enter instructions or parameters, each
character that you enter from the keyboard narrows the
list of candidates that is displayed for selection.
Displaying variable
comments *3
A specified variable comment can be displayed with
each variable of rung components on the ladder
diagrams. You can change the length of the displayed
variable comments to make them easier to read. *4
or higher
Element comment You can add an element comment on the ladder circuit
or higher
Rung comment list Displays a list of rung comments for a ladder program.
Double-click a comment in the list to go to the related rung.
or higher
Rung pattern copy You can duplicate a rung pattern (logic part).
Variable names in a copied rung can be set
automatically according to the variable name generation
Ver. 1.55
or higher
Programming structured text You combine different ST statements to build algorithms. All
Starting the
ST Editor
The ST Editor for programs or for functions/function
blocks is started.
Editing ST You combine different ST statements to build algorithms.
Entering calls to
functions and
function blocks
You can enter the first character of the instance name
of the function or the function block in the ST Editor to
call and enter a function or function block.
Entering constants You can enter constants in the ST Editor.
Entering comments Enter "(*" at the beginning and "*)" at the end of any
text to be treated as a comment in the ST Editor. If you
only want to comment out a single line, enter a double
forward slash (//) at the beginning of the line.
Copying, pasting,
and deleting ST
You can copy, paste, and delete text strings.
Indenting You can indent nested statements to make them
easier to read.
Moving to a
specified line
You can specify a line number to jump directly to that
Bookmarks You can add bookmarks to any lines and move between
Entry assistance When you enter instructions or parameters, each
character that you enter from the keyboard narrows the
list of candidates that is displayed for selection.
Namespaces Namespaces allow you to group and nest the names
of functions, function block definitions, and data types
so that you can manage them. This reduces the chance
of duplicated names and makes the entities easier to
or higher
Variable Manager A list of the variables in the global and local variable
tables is displayed in a separate window. You can
display variable usage, sort and filter the variables, edit
and delete variables, or move variables while displaying
another editing view.
or higher
Changing variable comments
and data type comments
You can globally change variable comments and data
type comments to other comments.
You can change the comments to different language
for users in a different country.
Exporting/importing variable
You can export/import variable comments, comments of
structure members and union members, and variable
element comments of array variables to an Office Open
XML file (xlsx file).
or higher
Sorting and filtering variables You can sort and filter variables in each variable table. Ver.1.08
or higher
Searching and replacing You can search for and replace strings in the data of
a project.
Retrace searching You can search for the program inputs and the input
parameters to functions or function blocks that use the
selected variable if the selected variable is used as a
program output or as the output parameter of a function
or function block. Also, you can search for the program
outputs and the output parameters to functions or
function blocks that use the selected variable if the
selected variable is used as a program input or as the
input parameter of a function or function block.
or higher
Jumping You can jump to the specified rung number or line
number in the program.
Building Building The programs in the project are converted into a format
that is executable in the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-
series Industrial PC.
Rebuilding A rebuild is used to build project programs that have
already been built.
Aborting a build
You can abort a build operation.
Creating applications for
NA-series PTs
You can create and transfer pages and subroutines for
NA-series Programmable Terminals.
Refer to "Functional Specifications of HMI".
or higher
Library You can create functions, function block definitions,
programs *5, and data types in a library file to use them
as objects in other projects.
or higher
Creating libraries You can create library files to enable using functions,
function block definitions, and data types in other
Using libraries You can access and reuse objects from library files that
were created in other projects.
Creating a project
A project file is created. All
Opening a project
A project file is opened.
Saving the project
The project file is saved.
Saving a project
file under a
different name
A project file is saved under a different name.
Project update
You can assign numbers to projects to manage the
project history.
or higher
Exporting a project
You can export a project to an .smc2 or .csm2 project
file *6. You can also export aproject to a previous project
file format, i.e., .smc or .csm.*7.
Importing a project
You can import a project from an .smc2 *6, .csm2 *6,
.smc, or .csm *7 project file.
Importing a ST
project file
Import of ST program files created by the Simulink®
PLC Coder™ (version R2013a or higher) from
MathWorks® Inc.
or higher
IEC 61131-10 XML You can import program/function/function block POUs of
the IEC 61131-10 XML format, global variables and data
or higher
IEC 62714
You can create a controller configuration or device
variable through importing an AutomationML file which
is created with EPLAN Electric P8, an electric CAD
or higher
Offline comparison You can compare the data for an open project with the
data for a project file and display the results.
You can also compare the open project with an xported
.smc2 *6 or .smc project file.
Or, you can merge detailed comparison results. *8
You can print out the differences between compared
ladder programs. *9
or higher
Importing motor
sizing tool results
You can import the EtherCAT configuration and motion
control settings created by the motor sizing tool.
or higher
Cutting, copying, and pasting You can cut, copy, or paste items that are selected in
the Multiview Explorer or any of the editors.
Printing You can print various data. You can select the items
to print.
Creating a
derivative device
You can copy a controller in a project. The copied
controller program (POU, Datatype, global variables)
are shared with the source controller.
or higher
Setting a shared
between devices
You can share a program
(POU, Data-type, global variables) between controllers
in a project.
Monitoring Variables are monitored during ladder program
You can monitor the TRUE/FALSE status of inputs and
outputs and the present values of variables in the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.
You can monitor operation on the Ladder Editor, ST
Editor, Watch Tab Page, or I/O Map.
Differential monitoring You can detect the number of times the specified
BOOL variable or BOOL member changes to TRUE or
FALSE and display the count in the Differential
Monitor Window. You can check if bits turn ON and
OFF and the number of times that they turn ON and OFF.
or higher
Changing present values and
You can change the values of variables that are used in
the user program and settings to any desired value, and
you can change program inputs and outputs to TRUE or
FALSE. This allows you to check the operation of the
user program and settings.
Changing the present values of
variables *10
You can change the present values of user-defined
variables, system-defined variables, and device variables
as required. You can do this in the Ladder Editor, ST
Editor, Watch Tab Page or I/O Map.
Forced refreshing Forced refreshing allows the user to refresh external
inputs and outputs with user-specified values from the
Sysmac Studio. The specified value is retained even if
the value of the variable is overwritten from the user
program. You can use forced refreshing to force BOOL
variables to TRUE or FALSE in the Ladder Editor, Watch
Tab Page, or I/O Map.
Online editing Online editing allows you to edit programs on systems
that are currently in operation. Online editing can be
used to edit only POUs and global variables. User-
defined data types cannot be edited with online editing.
Cross Reference Tab Page Cross references allow you to see the programs and
locations where program elements (variables, data
types, I/O ports, functions, or function blocks) are
used. You can view all locations where an element is
used from this list.
Data tracing Data tracing allows you to sample the specified
variables and store the values of the variables in trace
memory without any programming. You can choose
between two continuous trace methods: a triggered
trace, where you set a trigger condition and data is
saved before and after that condition is met, or a
continuous trace, in which continuous sampling is
performed without any trigger and the results are stored
in a file on your computer.
However, you can still display data retrieved on the
Sysmac Studio and save those results to a file even if
you use a triggered trace. These same functions can
be used with the Simulator as well.
Setting sampling
The interval to perform sampling on the target data is
set. Sampling is performed for the specified task
period, at the specified time, or when a trace sampling
instruction is executed.
Setting triggers To perform a triggered trace, you set a condition to
trigger sampling. A suitable trigger condition is set to
record data before and after an event.
Setting a
ontinuous trace
The method to save the data traced during a
continuous trace is set.
Setting variables to
The variables to store in trace memory are registered.
The sampling intervals can also be set.
Starting and
stopping tracing
The data trace settings are transferred to the NJ/NX-
series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and the
tracing starts. If you selected Trigger (Single) as the
trace type, tracing waits for the trigger to begin sampling.
If you selected Continuous, sampling begins
immediately and all traced data is transferred to the
computer as it is gathered and saved to a file.
Displaying trace
You view the results of the traced data in either a chart
or the 3D Motion Monitor. After sampling begins,
sample data is immediately transferred and drawn on
the graph.
The trace target variable table shows the maximum,
minimum, and average values for each variable.
You can change the line colors on the graph. *11
You can consecutively read and display continuous
trace results from more than one file. *12
trace results
Trace results are saved within your project
automatically when you save the project on the Sysmac
Studio. If you want to save this data as a separate file,
you can export the data to a CSV file.
You can import trace results that you have exported.
Printing trace
You can print out data trace settings along with digital
and analog charts.
Debugging Vision Sensors You can debug the Vision Sensor offline.
Refer to "Function Specifications of Vision Sensor
or higher
Debugging Displacement Sensors You can debug Displacement Sensors offline.
Refer to "Function Specifications of Displacement
Sensor Functions".
or higher
Output Factor Search This function searches for the rungs that causes an
output among the elements of a ladder program in
the Controller, and displays them in a tree structure.
or higher
Programs for debugging You can create programs for debugging that are used
only to execute simulations and specify virtual inputs
for simulation.
Selecting what to
You can select the programs to simulate from all of the
programs in the Sysmac Studio. Programs can be
dragged to select them.
Setting breakpoints You can set breakpoints to stop the simulation in the
Program Editor.
Executing and
You can control simulation execution to monitor the
user program or to check operation through data
tracing. Step execution and pausing are also possible.
You can perform a linked simulation between sequence
control and continuous control (operations controlled
by Simulink) to debug the sequence control program
and continuous control program. *13
or higher
Changing the
simulation speed
You can change the execution speed. All
Task period
You can display the task periods.
Batch transfer of
the present values
of variables
You can save the values of variables at specific times
during simulations in a file, or you can write the values
of variables that were saved in a file back to the
Simulator. This allows you to write the initial values of
variables, e.g., for test applications, before you start a
or higher
Integrated NS-series
PT simulation *14
You can simulate the linked operation of a sequence
program and an NS-series Programmable Terminal to
debug the sequence program and screen data offline.
simulation of
Controller and
NA-series PT
You can simultaneously simulate sequence control and
NA-series PT operation, including displaying pages and
subroutines created with Visual Basic and debugging
the sequence programming.
or higher
the virtual
Creating 3D
equipment models
You can create a 3D equipment model at the control
target to monitor with the 3D Motion Monitor function.
3D Motion Monitor
Display Mode *15
You set the axis variables for each element of the 3D
equipment model, and then set the 3D equipment into
motion according to those axis motions.
Displaying 2D paths
You can display the 2D paths of the markers for the
projections in the 3D display.
Displaying unit production
You can display the production information of the NJ/
NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, and
Special Units, including the models of the Units and
unit versions.
Monitoring task execution
You can monitor the execution time of each task when
the user program is executed on an NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit, NY-series Industrial PC, or in the Simulator. When
the Simulator is connected, you can also monitor the
real processing time of tasks. This allows you to
perform a Controller performance test.
Troubleshooting You can use troubleshooting to check the errors that
occurred in the Controller, display corrections for the
errors, and clear the errors.
Controller errors Any current Controller errors are displayed.
(Observations and information are not displayed.)
User-defined errors Information is displayed on current errors.
event log
You can display a log of Controller events (including
Controller errors and Controller information). (You
cannot display logs from EtherCAT slaves.)
event log
The log of user-defined events that were stored for the
Create User-defined Error (SetAlarm) instruction and
the Create User-defined Information (SetInfo)
instruction is displayed.
Event Settings
The Event Setting Table is used to register the contents
displayed on the Sysmac Studio and on HMIs for User-
defined events that occur for execution of the Create
User-defined Error (SetAlarm) instruction and the
Create User-defined Information (SetInfo) instruction.
User memory usage monitor The space that is used by the user program that you
are editing in the Sysmac Studio is displayed in relation
to the size of memory for the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
or NY-series Industrial PC.
Setting clock information You can read and set the clock of NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC.
The computer's clock information is also displayed.
DB connection function You can monitor information for the DB connection.
Refer to "Function Specifications of DB Connection
Ver. 1.06 or
Going online with a Controller An online connection is established with the Controller.
You also can transfer a project from the connected
Controller to the computer with a simple operation
without creating a new project or opening an existing
project. *6
Checking for forced refreshing When you go offline, any forced refreshing is cleared.
Synchronize The project file in the computer is compared with the
data in the online NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series
Industrial PC and any differences are displayed. You
can specify the transfer direction for any type of data
and transfer all of the data.
Batch transfer You transfer data between the computer and NJ/NX-
series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC that are
connected online. You can select the same data to
transfer as in the synchronization operation. Unlike the
synchronization operation, the data is transferred in the
specified direction without displaying the comparison
Ver. 1.09
or higher
Changing the operating mode of
the Controller
There are two operating modes for NJ/NX-series CPU
Unit or NY-series Industrial PC, depending on if control
programs are executed or not. These are RUN mode
and PROGRAM mode.
Resetting the Controller The operations and status when the power supply to
the Controller is cycled are emulated. This can be
performed only in PROGRAM mode. You cannot reset
the Controller in RUN mode.
Clear All Memory The Clear All Memory Menu command is used to
initialize the user program, Controller Configurations
and Setup, and variables in the CPU Unit to the
defaults from the Sysmac Studio.
SD Memory Cards The following procedures are used to execute file
operations for the SD Memory Card mounted in the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or the virtual SD Memory Card
of the NY-series Industrial PC (hereinafter called SD
Memory Card), and to copy files between the SD
Memory Card and computer.
Formatting the SD
Memory Card
The SD Memory Card is formatted.
The properties of the selected file or folder in the SD
Memory Card are displayed.
Copying files and
folders in the SD
Memory Card
The selected file or folder in the SD Memory Card is
copied to the SD Memory Card.
Copying files and
folders between the
SD Memory Card
and the computer
The selected file or folder in the SD Memory Card is
copied to the computer. Or, the selected file or folder
in the computer is copied to the SD Memory Card.
Backup functions You can back up, restore, and compare the user
program and other data of the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit
or NY-series Industrial PC to replace hardware, such
as the CPU Unit, or to restore device data.
Variables and
memory backup
You can back up the contents of retained memory to a
file and restore the contents of the backup file.
You can individually select the retained variables to
restore. *16
Controller backup You can back up data (user program and settings,
variable values, memory values, Unit settings, and
slave settings) from a Controller to a file and restore
the backed up data from the file to the Controller.
or higher
SD Memory Card
You can backup the Controller data to an SD Memory
Card mounted in the NJ/Nxseries CPU Unit or to the
Virtual SD Memory Card of the NY-series Industrial PC,
or compare the Controller data to the data in these SD
Memory Cards.
to/from backup
You can import the data in a backup file created for a
Controller backup or SD Memory Card backup to a
project. Also, you can export project data to a backup
of incor-
rect con-
CPU Unit names
and serial IDs
If the name or the serial ID is different between the
project and the CPU Unit when an online connection is
established, a confirmation dialog box is displayed.
You can set any of five levels of operation authority
(Administrator, Designer, Maintainer, Operator, and
Observer) for a Sysmac Studio project file or NJ/NX-
series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC to restrict
the operations that can be performed according to the
operation authority of the user.
User authentication Sysmac Studio requires authorizing each user when
establishing the online connection and identifies users
who perform online operations.
or higher
Write protection
of the CPU Unit
You can prevent rewriting of data in the CPU Unit from
the Sysmac Studio.
Firmware update
You can choose Use or Do not use the Firmware
update prohibition option.
or higher
of the theft
of assets
Authentication of
user program
execution IDs
You can ensure that a user program cannot be
operated on another CPU Unit even if copied.
User program
transfer with no
The program source code is not transferred. If this
option is selected, programs are not displayed even if
uploaded from another computer. However, variables
and settings are transferred even if this option is
protection for
project files
You can place a password on the file to protect your
Data protection You can set passwords for individual POUs (programs,
functions, and function block definitions) to prohibit
displaying, changing, and copying them.
or higher
Encrypting and hashing the data sent and received
between Sysmac Studio and the Controller can prevent
a third party from sniffing and falsifying data.
or higher
TCP/UDP port close To block unnecessary packets, you can close a TCP/
UDP port for the built-in EtherNet/IP port.
Packet filter You can filter IP packets in the receiving process in the
built-in EtherNet/IP port to limit access from an external
Secure socket
The settings enable the secure socket services for the
built-in EtherNet/IP port.
or higher
Access logging Sysmac Studio records an operation that a user made
for the Controller using a tool as an access log. In the
case the user authentication is enabled, you can
register usernames to critical access logs for security
This function allows you to confirm when who did what
and works as the non-repudiation.
or higher
Firmware update
You can confirm the firmware update log in the
or higher
Option settings You can change the color theme, display of each
program editor, and program check method as required.
Import/Export You can export option settings and import them to
another environment.
Ver. 1.55
or higher
Shortcut key allocation You can change the shortcut keys allocated for the
main menu and context menus of the ladder editor.
or higher
Docking You can dock and undock configuration tab pages,
program editors, Watch Tab Pages, Cross Reference
Tab Page, and other window parts to/from the main
Sysmac Studio window.
or higher
Sysmac Studio help system You can access Sysmac Studio operating procedures. All
Instructions reference Information is provided on how to use the instructions
that are supported by the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or
NY-series Industrial PC.
System-defined variable
You can display a list of descriptions of the system-
defined variables that you can use on the Sysmac Studio.
Keyboard mapping reference You can display a list of convenient shortcut keys that
you can use on the Sysmac Studio.
Manual download You can access manual download page of the web site
from the Sysmac Studio and download the latest
related manuals.
or higher

*1. Version 1.17 or higher.
*2. Changing event levels for Controller errors is supported by version 1.04 or higher.
*3. Displaying comments for members of arrays, structures, and unions and displaying long comments for variables (up
      to five lines) are supported by version 1.04 or higher.
*4. Changing the length of the displayed variable comments is supported by version 1.05 or higher.
*5. Creating programs in a library file is supported by version 1.06 or higher.
*6. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.08 or higher.
*7. The .csm format is supported by version 1.04 or higher. The size of a csm file is smaller than the size of the smc file.
*8. Merging detailed comparison results is supported by version 1.03 or higher.
*9. Version 1.49 or higher.
*10. Changing present values in the Ladder Editor or ST Editor is supported by version 1.03 or higher.
*11. Changing the colors of graph lines is supported by version 1.01 or higher.
*12. Consecutively reading and displaying continuous trace results from more than one file is supported by version 1.05
       or higher.
*13. MATLAB®/Simulink R2013a or higher is required.
*14. CX-Designer version 3.41 or higher is required.
*15. This function is supported only by Sysmac Studio (32 bit). The recommended video memory and video cards for the
       3D motion tracing function are listed below.
           Video memory: 512 MB min.
           Video card: either of the following
             • NVIDIA® GeForce® 200 series or higher
             • ATI RadeonHD5000 series or higher
*16. Individual selection of the retained variables to restore is supported by version 1.05 or higher.

Function Specifications of OPC UA Function

Item Function
Setting parameters -
OPC UA Settings Settings for OPC UA.
OPC UA Server Settings Settings for OPC UA Server operation set from the OPC UA Server
Settings tab.
Settings and display for Certificate Displays Server Certificate and allows uses to manipulate it.
Also displays Client and Issuer Authentication of Certificate List and
Revocation List , and allows users to manipulate them.
Security Settings Sets up user name or password to authenticate, prohibits or permits
anonymous login, sets security policy to permit as a server and
transfers the settings to the CPU Unit.
Programming function -
Creation of variables for OPC UA
Creates variables to be used for OPC UA communications.
Publishing of variables to OPC UA
To publish variables to the OPC UA communications, the Network
Publish attribute of the variables is set to Publish Only, Input, or Output.
Shutdown instruction Requests termination of OPC UA Server and make the system power
down safely.
Instruction name: OPCUA_Shutdown
Monitoring information -
Server Status Displays the operating status of the OPC UA Server and terminates
(shutdown) the OPC UA Server.
Operation Log Window Displays the list of operation logs and allows users to manipulate them.

Note: This function can be used if NJ501-1500, NJ501-1400, or NJ501-1300 is selected in Sysmac Studio Ver.1.21 or higher.
         This function can be used if NX102-[][][][] is selected in Sysmac Studio Ver.1.23 or higher.
         This function can be used if NX701-1[][][] is selected in Sysmac Studio Ver.1.44 or higher.
         This function can be used if NX502-[][][][] is selected in Sysmac Studio Ver.1.54 or higher.

Function Specifications of DB Connection Function

Item Function
Setting Parameters -
DBMS settings The database to connect is selected.
Run mode setting of the DB
connection service
The Operation Mode is selected to send SQL statements when DB
connection instructions are executed or Test Mode is selected to not
send SQL statements when DB connection instructions are executed.
Spooling settings You can set the service so that SQL statements are spooled when
problems occur and resent when operation is restored.
Operation log settings Settings are made for the execution log for execution of the DB
connection service, the debug log for execution of SQL statements for
the DB connection service, and the SQL execution failure log for SQL
execution failures.
Database connection service
shutdown settings
Settings are made to control operation in order to end the DB
connection service after automatically storing the operation log files
on an SD Memory Card.
Programming DB connection instructions You can use the following DB connection instructions to write the
user program for controlling the data in the database.
DB_Insert (Insert DB Record), DB_Select (Retrieve DB Record),
DB_Update (Update DB Record), and DB_Delete (Delete DB Record)
Monitoring information -
Monitoring the DB connection
The status of the DB connection service is monitored.
Monitoring the DB connections The status of each DB connection is monitored.
Displaying the operation logs The contents of the execution log, debug log, and SQL execution
failure log are displayed.

Note: The DB connection service can be used if the NJ501-1[]20 is selected with Sysmac Studio version 1.06 or higher.
         The DB connection service can be used if the NJ101-[][]20 is selected with Sysmac Studio version 1.14 or higher.
         The DB connection service can be used if the NX701-1[]20 is selected with Sysmac Studio version 1.21 or higher.
         The DB connection service can be used if the NX502-[][][][] is selected with Sysmac Studio version 1.54 or higher.

Function Specifications of EtherNet/IP Connection Settings

Item Function
EtherNet/IP Connection Settings Functions related to tag data link (connection) settings in the
EtherNet/IP network are provided.
Editing Tag Sets You create tags and tag sets using network variables.
Editing Target
You add target devices to connect to.
Editing Connections You select tag sets from a list and create connections.
Adding EDS Files You can add the types of EtherNet/IP devices that can be set as targets.
Transfer and
Batch Transfer
All the connection settings in the Controller or the project are transferred
at the same time.
Individual Transfer
and Comparison
You can transfer or compare the connection settings of each
EtherNet/IP device individually.
Status Monitor The operating status of one or more connections is displayed.
You can start or stop all the connections at the same time.
Tag/Tag Set Monitor The detailed operation information of tags and tag sets, such as the presence
or absence of tags and connection times of tag sets, is displayed.
Ethernet Information
The detailed operation information of EtherNet/IP devices, such as
bandwidth usage (pps), is displayed.

Note: Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.10 or higher.

Function Specifications of EtherNet/IP Slave Terminal Settings

Item Function
EtherNet/IP Slave Terminal
Configuration and Setup
You create the configuration of Slave Terminal to be connected to the
EtherNet/IP network on the Sysmac Studio and set the NX Units that compose
the Slave Terminal.
Registering the NX Units You configure the Slave Terminal by dragging the NX Units from the device list
displayed in the Toolbox to the positions where to mount the Units.
Setting the NX Units You edit the I/O allocation settings, mounting settings and Unit operation
settings of the NX Units.
Displaying the Width of Slave
Terminal Configuration
The width of the Slave Terminal configuration is displayed based on the Unit
configuration information.
Comparing and Merging the
Slave Terminal Configuration
You can compare the configuration information on the project with actual
configuration online, select the Units with different information to correct, and
merge the information.
Transferring the Slave Terminal
Configuration Information
You transfer the Unit configuration information to the Slave Terminal.

Note: Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.11 or higher.

Function Specifications of PROFINET Slave Terminal Settings

Item Function
PROFINET Slave Terminal
Configuration and Setup
You can create a configuration of the slave terminal connected to the PROFINET
network on the Sysmac Studio, and can set the NX Units that compose the slave
Registering the NX Units Drag-and-drops of NX Units from the device list in the Toolbox enable to build an
Setting the NX Units You can edit the settings for I/O allocation, mounting, and operation of NX Units.
Displaying the Width of the
Slave Terminal Configuration
The width of the slave terminal configuration is displayed based on the Unit
configuration information.
Comparing and Merging the
Slave Terminal Configuration
You can compare the configuration information on the project with the actual
configuration online, and can merge the selected differences.
Transferring the Slave
Terminal Configuration
You can transfer the Unit configuration information to the slave terminal.

Note: Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.45 or higher.

Function Specifications of Safety Control Units

Item Function
Safety: Offline Comparison *1 You can compare the safety application data in currently
opened project file and an exported project file. In addition, it is
possible to merge programs and variable table in the detail
comparison results.
Safety I/O Settings You make a setting for safety process data communications
and connection with safety I/O devices.
Safety Process Data
You select Safety I/O Units to perform safety process data
communications (FSoE communications) and make necessary
Safety Device
Allocation Settings
You set the connection between Safety I/O Units and safety
SRA Parameter Settings*2 You can configure safety functions and parameter settings of
1S-series Servo Drive.
EtherNet/IP Safety Connection
Settings *3
You can register target devices of EtherNet/IP Safety network
and configure the connection settings.
Standard I/O
Exposed Variable
You set whether to expose global variables of the Safety CPU
Unit. The values of exposed variables can be referenced from
NJ/NX-series CPU Units and NY-series Industrial PCs.
Standard Process Data
Communications *4
You set the devices and ports of the Standard I/O Units for
the exposed variables of the Safety CPU Unit.
Safety Task Settings You define the execution cycle and timing of the safety task
and programs to be executed in the task.
Assigning Programs You assign safety programs to execute to the task.
I/O Map Settings The ports of Safety I/O Units used in safety process data
communications are displayed. You assign device variables
used in safety programs to the I/O ports.
Export/ Import *5 I/O map settings can be exported to and imported from a CSV
Instruction List (Toolbox) A hierarchy of the functions and function blocks that you can
use is displayed in the Toolbox. You can drag the required
functions and function blocks onto the FBD editor to insert it
to a safety program.
FBD Programming You connect variables, functions, and function blocks with
connecting lines to build networks. The FBD editor is used to
enter them.
Adding FBD Networks You create FBD networks on the FBD editor to create
Inserting and Deleting
Functions and
Function blocks
You insert and delete functions and function blocks on the
FBD editor.
Entry Assistance When you enter functions, function blocks, or parameters,
each character that you enter from the keyboard narrows the
list of candidates that is displayed for selection.
Commenting Out
FBD Networks
You can comment out each FBD network. When a network is
commented out, it is no longer executed.
Program Pattern
Copy *5
You can duplicate an FBD program with the same program
pattern (logic part). The variable name of the program can be
set automatically according to the variable name generation rules.
Converting Programs
into Function Blocks
You can convert the safety program into user-defined function block.
Automatic Programming *3 A safety programs can be automatically generated from input
and output signals and expected values of the program.
Creating Variables You create variables used in safety programs in the global or
local variable table.
User-defined Function Blocks You create user-defined function blocks.
Help Reference *7 You can display the user-defined function block help with the
popup menu or shortcut key.
Export/Import POUs can be exported and imported.
Programs *8 You can export/import POUs.
Function Blocks *7
You can export/import user-defined function blocks.
IEC 61131-10 XML *9 You can import the IEC 61131-10-compliant XML programs,
function block POUs, and global variables.
Searching and Replacing You can search for and replace strings in the variable tables,
programs, and function blocks of a Safety CPU Unit.
Retrace Search *6 If the selected variable is used as an output in the program,
you can jump to the place where the selected variable is used
as an input. If the selected variable is used as an input in the
program, you can jump to the place where the selected variable
is used as an output.
Deleting Unused Variables *6 You can delete all unused variables in a program at once.
Variable Comment Switching *9 Variable Comments shown in safety program and variable table
can be collectively replaced to other comments. You can switch
the language of comments for users in other countries.
Debugging Monitoring Variables are monitored during safety program execution. You
can monitor the present values of device variables assigned to
Safety I/O Units and user-defined variables. The values can be
monitored on the FBD editor or Watch Tab Page.
Changing the Present Values of
You can change the present values of user-defined variables
and device variables as required. You can do this on the FBD
editor or Watch Tab Page.
Forced Refreshing The inputs from external devices and outputs to external
devices are refreshed with a specified value on the Sysmac
Studio. The specified value is retained even if the value of the
variable is overwritten from the user program.
You can use forced refreshing on the FBD editor or Watch Tab
Cross References *6 It is possible to see in which programs and in which place a
safety program variable is used.
Offline Debugging *10 You can check if the control program logic works as
designed in advance using a special debugging function for the
Simulator without connecting online with the Safety CPU Unit.
Initial Value Settings
You can set the initial values of variables when you start
execution of simulation.
Feedback Settings
You can set input status that is linked to changes in output
status when simulator is running.
Simple Automatic
Test *12
You can check that expected values of the outputs to the
inputs of the program are designed as intended using the
Simulator functions of the Safety CPU Unit.
User Memory Usage Monitor *11 The memory usage of the safety control system and usage of
safety network such as I/O data size are displayed.
Online Functional Test *3 This function helps you to check the safety functional operation
of the safety system.
You can produce output device operation relative to the input
and check whether the system operates as expected. It is
possible to output the check results.
Searching for Function Block related
to the safety output Off in a Safety
Program *1
You can search for a function block that may be related to the
safety output Off in a currently running safety program.
CIP Safety Monitor *9 You can monitor device status of the CIP Safety target devices,
connection status to the Safety CPU Unit, and parameter values.
Safety Safety Validation You append the "safety-validated" information to a safety
program when you can ensure safety of the program after you
complete debugging.
Changing Operating Mode There are four operating modes; PROGRAM mode, DEBUG
mode (STOPPED), DEBUG mode (RUN), and RUN mode. The
RUN mode can be selected only for the validated safety
Maintenance Generating Safety Data Logging
Settings File *3
Settings to use the safety data logging function can be
generated as a file.
Generating Safety Unit Restore
File *3
A file of safety program and settings to be transferred to the
Safety CPU Unit using an SD memory card is generated for
Safety Unit Restore function.
of Incorrect
Setting the Node
You set a unique name for each Safety CPU Unit to confirm
that you operate the correct Safety CPU Unit.
of Incorrect
Safety Password You can prevent unauthorized access to safety functions of
Safety CPU Units by setting a safety password for online
operations that affect the safety functions.
of Theft of
Data Protection
(Programs) *8
You can set passwords for individual programs to prohibit
displaying or changing them.
Data Protection
Function Blocks) *7
You can set passwords for individual user-defined function
blocks to prohibit displaying or changing them.

Note: Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.07 or higher.
*1. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.49 or higher.
*2. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.27 or higher.
*3. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.24 or higher.
*4. Supported if the EtherNet/IP Coupler is selected with Sysmac Studio version 1.11 or higher.
*5. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.40 or higher.
*6. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.41 or higher.
*7. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.12 or higher.
*8. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.17 or higher.
*9. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.29 or higher.
*10.Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.08 or higher.
*11.Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.10 or higher.
*12.Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.15 or higher.

Function Specifications of HMI

NA-series Programmable Terminals

Item Function
Device references Devices, such as Controllers, through which the NA-series PT can
read and write information with communications are created on the
Sysmac Studio and settings are made for them.
Displaying internal
Controllers that were created in the project are displayed.
Registering external
Devices, such as Controllers, that were not created in the project are
registered. The communications settings of the devices to
communicate with the NA-series PT and information, such as variables
and addresses within the devices that the NA-series PT will read and
write, are also registered.
Mapping variables The information on the devices registered in the device references,
such as variables and addresses, are mapped to the global variables of
the NA-series PT.
HMI settings Settings for NA-series PT operation are made.
Device settings Settings, such as the startup page, default language, layout of the USB
keyboard, automatic logout, screen saver, screen brightness, and
method to change to the System Menu, are made.
TCP/IP settings Settings for the Ethernet port that is built-in to the NA-series PT are
FTP settings Settings to communicate with FTP clients using the Ethernet port are
NTP settings Settings to communicate with an NTP server using the Ethernet port
are made.
FINS settings Settings to communicate with devices that support FINS are made.
VNC settings Settings to communicate with VNC clients using the Ethernet port are
Print settings *1 Print settings are made.
Serial port settings *2 Settings for the built-in serial port in the NA-series PT are made.
Security settings Settings, such as user registration and permissions to restrict NA-
series PT operation and displays, are made.
User account settings The user names, login passwords, and permissions for each user to
operate the NA-series PT are set.
Permission and
access level settings
The range of information that can be accessed for different permissions
are set.
Troubleshooter *3 Troubleshooter settings are made.
Language settings Language settings to perform multi-language displays on the NA-series
PT are made.
Operation log settings *4 Settings to take operation logs in the NA-series PT are made
data and
Editing pages The pages to display on the NA-series PT are edited.
Adding and deleting
Pages are added, deleted, or copied with the Multiview Explorer. Pages
can also be copied to other projects.
Adding and deleting
page groups
Groups to organize and manage pages on the Multiview Explorer are
added and deleted. Pages can be added to or moved to the groups.
Page properties
The page type, overlapping, background color, etc., are set in the
Properties Window.
Changing the display
If using multiple languages is set in the language settings, the
resources displayed on the Page Editor are displayed in the language
set for each resource.
Changing the display
status of each object
You can check display status changes for lamp and other objects on
the Page Editor.
Displaying object
The objects and groups that were added to each page can be
confirmed in a tree structure using the Page Explorer.
Adding objects Objects, such as buttons or graphics, to display on a page are added
by dragging them from the Toolbox to the Page Editor.
Grouping objects Settings to operate multiple objects together as a group are made.
Aligning objects Multiple objects are aligned.
Editing objects Objects and groups can be copied within a page or to another page.
Objects can also be deleted, and locations, sizes, rotations, and
position relationships with other objects can be set. Also, labels can
be edited *1.
Setting object entry
order *1
Entry order of Data Edit objects can be set.
Object property
Properties, such as the colors and shapes of objects and the mapped
variables, can be changed.
Properties are displayed and changed in the Properties Window.
Duplicating objects
You can duplicate a specified number of objects. Offsets are set to
the element numbers of the array set for the object.
Animation settings An animation to change an object appearance dynamically can be set.
Use the icon on the Properties window to show and change the
animation settings. *6
Event and action
The events that can be set for objects and the actions that can be
executed when an event occurs are set.
Import and export *7 Text, variables and conditional expressions of some objects can be
imported from or exported to an Excel file.
Page import and
export *4
Pages can be imported and exported.
Programming with Visual Basic Subroutines are created with Visual Basic.
Visual Basic 2008 and NET Compact Framework 3.5 are supported. *8
Adding subroutine
Groups to organize and manage global subroutines on the Multiview
Explorer are added or deleted.
Subroutines can be added or moved to the groups.
Editing subroutines Subroutines are created using the Code Editor, which is optimized for
Visual Basic.
Bookmarks Bookmark can be added to any code line and you can move between
the bookmarks.
Data entry assistance The characters that are entered from the keyboard are used to display
candidates when entering source code.
User alarms Settings for detection conditions and displaying messages for user
alarms are made.
Adding and deleting
user alarm groups
Groups to organize and manage user alarms on the Multiview Explorer
are added or deleted. User alarms can be created in the groups.
Registering and
deleting User Alarm
Settings for detection conditions for user alarms and displaying
messages or popup pages are made for user alarm groups.
Copying user alarms User alarms can be copied within a group or to another group.
Event and action
Events and the actions that are executed when the events occur are
set for the user alarms.
Displaying and changing the settings for events and actions is
performed in the Events and Actions Window.
Import and export *7 User alarms and user-alarm text strings can be imported from or
exported to an Excel file.
events *1
User-defined event
Settings for pages that can be changed from user-defined events'
display in Troubleshooter.
Data logging Data logging is set to log specified data in the NA-series PT at the
specified times.
Adding and deleting
data sets
Data sets are added to perform data logging.
Log condition setting Conditions to perform data logging and target global variables are set
for the data sets.
Broken-line graph *1 Settings for the data that is displayed in a broken-line graph.
Adding and deleting
data sets
Data groups for which a broken-line graph is drawn are added and
Log condition setting Conditions to display a broken-line graph and target global variables
are set for data groups.
Recipes Data groups that are retained in the NA-series PT and can be
switched for user requests are set.
Adding and deleting
Data storage locations, value ranges, and data names are added or
Recipe data settings The actual data is set for each recipe.
Keypad customization *1 Keypads can be customized.
Global events The events that are detected on any page and the actions that are
executed when the events occur are set.
Resource management All of the character strings and graphics that are displayed on pages
are managed. Also, registered resources can be indirectly accessed.
Registering and
deleting general
character strings
The character strings that are displayed on pages are registered and
deleted, except for character stings used for user alarms.
Registering and
deleting character
strings for user
The character strings used for user alarms are added or deleted.
Registering and
deleting document
Document files that are displayed with the Document Viewer are set
or deleted.
Registering and
deleting image files
Image files that are displayed for objects are set or deleted.
Registering and
deleting movies
Movie files that are displayed for Media Player objects are set or
Importing and
The general character strings and alarm character strings can be
imported and exported using Excel files.
Exporting Image
files *4
The registered image files can be exported
Scaling *1 Values of variables and objects are converted by a specified a scaling
factor set for them.
Searching and replacing You can search all strings in a project to find and replace a specified
Device replace *2 You can replace a device, which has been mapped by using a
variable, with another device.
Cross reference *1 Where a specified program element (variable, data type, page, or
resource) is used in a project can be checked with a list.
You can access the use locations of the element from the list.
Building The project is converted into a format that can be executed in the
NA-series PT.
IAGs (intelligent application
Multiple objects and subroutines are combined to create a reusable
Creating IAGs An IAG that consists of multiple objects and subroutines is created
as a functional unit in an IAG project.
Creating IAG
collection files
A created IAG is built and saved as a module that can be distributed
and reused.
Creating user-defined
events *1
You can create user-defined events that can be used in an IAG.
Using IAGs IAG collection files are imported using the IAG Collection Manager.
The imported IAGs are displayed in the Toolbox and can be used in
the same way as other objects.
Replacing IAG *2 You can replace an existing IAG with any other IAG.
Custom objects The selected objects are registered in a reusable format in the
Registering custom
Objects or grouped objects are dragged to the Toolbox to register
Using custom objects Custom objects are displayed on a page by dragging them from the
Toolbox to the Page Editor.
Import/Export *9 The data in the NA-series PT can be exported and saved as a file
and the data can be imported from the file to a project.
Synchronization The data in the NA-series PT that is online is compared with the data
in the Sysmac Studio.
You can check the differences and then transfer the data after
specifying the transfer direction.
Transferring files via storage
The data in a storage media in the computer is compared with the
data in the Sysmac Studio.
You can check the differences and then transfer the data to the
storage media. You can use the System Menu to transfer a saved
project file to the NA-series PT.
Clearing all memory All of the data except for the clock information is deleted from the
NA-series PT.
Executing simulations A project file on the computer is virtually executed to debug it.
Setting and clearing
Breakpoints can be set at the specified positions in a subroutine.
simulation with
Controller Simulator
Sequence control and NA-series PT operation, such as displaying
pages and subroutine operation, is simulated together to debug the
application in the NA-series PT.
Setting clock information The clock information in the NA-series PT can be checked and set.
Going online with NA-series PT The computer can be placed online with the NA-series PT. However,
information in the NA-series PT, such as the values of variables,
cannot be read.
Upgrading system program When the Sysmac Studio is online with the NA-series PT, the system
program in the NA-series PT can be upgraded as required.
Print *1 Printing Settings of each project can be printed out.
Security Preventing malfunctions If the name or serial ID of the project and the NA-series PT are
different when the Sysmac Studio goes online, a confirmation dialog
box is displayed.
Preventing incorrect operation You can prevent data in the NA-series PT from being overwritten
from the Sysmac Studio.

Note: These specifications are supported by Sysmac Studio version 1.11 or higher.
*1. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.14 or higher.
*2. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.54 or higher.
*3. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.13 or higher.
*4. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.40 or higher.
*5. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.16 or higher.
*6. Aninmation settings in the Sysmac Studio version 1.44 or lower were performed in the Animation window.
*7. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.27 or higher.
*8. There are restrictions on the functions that can be used.
*9. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.24 or higher.

Function Specifications of Vision Sensor Functions

FH-series Vision Sensors

Item Function
Setting Parameters -
Main Edit Sensor Information Displays and sets basic information of the sensor.
Online Changes the connection status of the sensor, and performs various controls
such as sensor restart and initialization.
Line Edit Operation View Monitors the measurement images of the sensor and detailed results of each
process unit.
Scene Maintenance View Edits, manages, and saves the scene groups and scenes.
Data Edit
Flow Edit Creates the process flow in combination of user-specified units.
Process Unit Edit Edits each process unit.
Data Edit
Camera Settings Checks the camera connection status and sets the camera's imaging timing
and communications speed.
Controller Settings Makes the system environment settings for the sensor.
Parallel I/O Settings Sets the conditions of output signals.
RS-232C/422 Settings Makes the RS-232C/422 communications settings.
Ethernet Communication
Makes the Ethernet communication settings.
Communication Settings
Makes the EtherNet/IP communications settings.
EtherCAT Communication
Makes the EtherCAT communications settings.
PROFINET Communication
Settings *1
Makes the PROFINET communications settings.
Encoder Settings Makes the encoder settings.
Tools Communication Command
Customization Tool
Makes the settings for customized communication commands.
File Saving Tool Copies and transfers the files in the sensor memory.
Calibration Support Tool Checks the calibration information.
User Data Tool Edits the data (user data) that can be shared and used in sensors.
Security Setting Tool *2 Edits the security settings of the sensor.
Scene Group Save
Destination Setting Tool
Sets the destination to save the scene group data.
Image File Save Tool *2 Saves the logging images and image files stored in the sensor memory.
Registered Image
Management Tool *2
Saves the images used for model registration and reference registration as
registered images.
Reference Position
Update Tool *2
Edits all reference positions of more than one processing unit.
Scene Group Data
Conversion Tool *2
Creates the scene group data with more than 128 scenes.
Scene Control Macro
Tool *2
Makes a setting for complementing and expanding the measurement
flow and scene control.
Conveyor Calibration
Wizard Tool *3
Calibrates cameras, conveyors, and robots in a conveyor tracking
Calibration Plate Print
Tool *3
Prints out calibration patterns that are used in the Conveyor
Calibration Wizard.
Conveyor Panorama
Display Tool *3
Displays a panoramic image in a conveyor tracking application.
Variable Assignment List
Shows a list of system and scene variable assignments registered to
FH/FHV Vision Sensors.
Quick Access Setting Tool
Defines identifier name, absolute path, and display name for Quick Access.
Quick Access settings allows you to select Quick Access when specifying
a file or folder path. Settings according to different environments enable
path settings without considering environment-dependent drive configuration.
Error Log Management
Tool *5
Displays contents of the error log information files for the FH/FHV-series
Vision Sensor while Sysmac Studio is online.
Debugging Offline Debugging of
Sensor Operation
Simulates measurements offline without connecting to the sensor. You can
use external image files and perform measurements under the conditions
set in the offline settings, then display the results of those measurements.
Offline Debugging of
Sensor Control Program
and Sensor Operation *6
Simulates the linked operation of the sequence controls in the NJ/NX-
series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and FH-series Sensor
operation for an EtherCAT system.
You can debug a series of operations offline to perform the measurement
and other processing and output the results when a control signal such
as measurement trigger is input to the Sensor.
Security Prevention of Incorrect
Operation *7
Prevents unauthorized access by setting an account password for online

Note: Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.07 or higher.
*1. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.25 or higher.
*2. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.10 or higher.
*3. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.14 or higher.
*4. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.43 or higher.
*5. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.53 or higher.
*6. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.08 or higher.
*7. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.09 or higher.

FHV-series Vision Sensors

Item Function
Setting Parameters -
Main Edit Sensor Information Displays and sets basic information of the sensor.
Online Changes the connection status of the sensor, and performs various
controls such as sensor restart and initialization.
Line Edit Operation View Monitors the measurement images of the sensor and detailed
results of each process unit.
Scene Maintenance View Edits, manages, and saves the scene groups and scenes.
Scene Data Edit Flow Edit Creates the process flow in combination of user-specified units.
Process Unit Edit Edits each process unit.
Sensor System
Data Edit
Camera Settings Checks the camera connection status and sets the camera's
imaging timing and communications speed.
Controller Settings Makes the system environment settings for the sensor.
Parallel I/O Settings Sets the conditions of output signals.
RS-232C/422 Settings Makes the RS-232C/422 communications settings.
Ethernet Communication
Makes the Ethernet communication settings.
Communication Settings
Makes the EtherNet/IP communications settings.
Communication Settings
Makes the EtherCAT communications settings.
Communication Settings
Makes the PROFINET communications settings.
Encoder Settings Makes the encoder settings.
Tools File Saving Tool Copies and transfers the files in the sensor memory.
Calibration Support Tool Checks the calibration information.
Security Setting Tool Edits the security settings of the sensor.
Registered Image
Management Tool
Saves the images used for model registration and reference
registration as registered images.
Scene Group Data
Conversion Tool
Creates the scene group data with more than 128 scenes.
Variable Assignment
Shows a list of system and scene variable assignments registered
to FH/FHV Vision Sensors.
Error Log
Management Tool *1
Displays contents of the error log information files for the
FH/FHV-series Vision Sensor while Sysmac Studio is online.
Debugging Offline Debugging of
Sensor Operation
Simulates measurements offline without connecting to the sensor.
You can use external image files and perform measurements under
the conditions set in the offline settings, then display the results of
those measurements.
Offline Debugging of
Sensor Control
Program and Sensor
Simulates the linked operation of the sequence controls in the
NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and FHV-series
Sensor operation for an EtherCAT system.
You can debug a series of operations offline to perform the
measurement and other processing and output the results when a
control signal such as measurement trigger is input to the Sensor.
Security Prevention of
Incorrect Operation
Prevents unauthorized access by setting an account password for
online operations.

*1. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.53 or higher.

FQ-M-series Vision Sensors

Item Function
Setting Parameters -
General Settings Displays and sets basic information of the sensor.
Sensor connection Changes the connection status of the Sensor, and sets the conditions for
communications with the Sensor.
Sensor control in online Performs various controls for the sensor mode change, data transfer/save,
and monitoring.
Sensor error history Displays and clears the error history of an online Sensor.
Tool Restarts and initializes the sensor, updates the firmware of the sensor, reads
sensor data from a file, saves sensor data to a file, prints the sensor
parameters, and displays help.
Image condition Settings Adjusts the image condition.
Specifies the calibration
Sets a registered calibration pattern.
Registers inspection
Registers the inspection item to use in the measurement.
You can select from the following inspection items:
Edge position, Search, Labeling, Shape search
Calculation Settings Makes a setting for basic arithmetic operations and function operations using
inspection item judgment results and measurement data.
Logging Settings Makes a setting for logging measurement results of inspection items and
calculation results.
Output Settings Makes a setting for data to output to external devices.
Run Settings Switch Sensor modes or monitors measurement results.
Trigger condition
Sets the trigger type and image timing.
I/O Settings Sets the conditions of output signals.
You can check the status of I/O signal while online.
Encoder Settings Make settings for the encoder such as common encoder settings, ring counter
settings, and encoder trigger settings.
Ethernet communication
Makes Ethernet communication settings. You can select data communication
from no-protocol data, PLC link data, and programmable no-protocol data.
communication Settings
Makes the EtherCAT communication settings according to the communication
settings of the EtherCAT master.
Logging condition
Sets the conditions to log to the internal memory of sensor.
Sensor Settings Makes the settings for startup scene control function, password setting
function, and adjustment judgment function.
Calibration Scene Data Settings Calculates, views, and edits the calibration parameters. The Vision Sensor
supports general-purpose calibration and calibration for conveyor tracking.
Debugging Offline debugging of
sensor operation
Simulates measurements offline without connecting to the Vision Sensor. You
can use external image files and perform measurements under the conditions
set in the offline settings, then display the results of those measurements.
Offline debugging of the
sensor control program
and sensor operation
Performs a linked simulation between the sequence control of an NJ/NX-
series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and the operation of an FQ-M
Sensor in EtherCAT configuration systems.
This allows you to debug operation offline from when measurements and other
processing are performed for control signals such as measurement triggers
through the output of processing results.

Note: 1. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.01 or higher.
Note: 2. Supported by Sysmac Studio (32 bit).

Function Specifications of Displacement Sensor Functions

Item Function
Setting Parameters -
General Settings Displays and sets basic information on the Sensor.
Sensor Connection Changes the connection status of the Sensor, and sets the conditions for
communications with the Sensor.
Online Sensor Control Performs various controls for the Sensor (e.g., changing the mode,
controlling internal logging, and monitoring).
Tools Restarts and initializes the Sensor, updates the firmware in the Sensor,
recovers ROM data, prints the Sensor parameters, and displays help.
Setting Sensing Conditions Adjusts the light reception conditions for each measurement region.
Setting Task Conditions Used to select the measurement items to use in measurements. You can
select from the height, thickness, or calculations.
The following are set for the measurement items: scaling, filters, holding,
zero-resetting, and judgement conditions.
Setting I/O Conditions Sets parameters for outputting judgements and analog values to external
Sensor Settings Sets the following: ZW Sensor Controller’s key lock,number of displayed
digits below the decimal point, the bank mode, the analog output mode,
and timing/reset key inputs.
Ethernet Communications
Sets up Ethernet communications and field bus parameters.
RS-232C Communications
Sets up RS-232C communications.
Data Output Settings Sets serial output parameters for holding values.
Monitoring Senor monitoring Monitors the light-detection status and the measurement results of the
Trend monitoring Logs and monitors the measurement results that meet the specific
conditions of the sensor.
Debugging Offline Debugging of
Sensor Control Programs
and Sensor Operation
Performs a linked simulation between the sequence control of an NJ/NX-
series CPU Unit or NY-series Industrial PC and the operation of a ZW
Sensor in EtherCAT configuration systems.
This allows you to simulate the operation of signals when timing signals
and other control signals are input to the Sensor to debug the control
logic offline.

Note: The ZW-series can be used with the Sysmac Studio version 1.05 or higher.
         The ZW-7000-series can be used with the Sysmac Studio version 1.15 or higher.
         The ZW-5000-series can be used with the Sysmac Studio version 1.18 or higher.

Function Specifications of Team Development Option

Item Function
Project version control function You can control a project version in concert with the version control
system (GitTM).
Showing the project log You can see the change history of project data in a branch, local
repository, and remote repository.
Comparing projects You can compare specific revisions from the project change history.
Reverting a project You can restore a project to any revision.
Developing a program
You can develop controller programs per POU concurrently.
he changes of concurrent development are merged automatically.
Creating a branch You can create and edit data derived from a master project.
Merging Changes in a branch are automatically reflected in the master data.

Note: This option can be used by applying the Team Development Option to Sysmac Studio version 1.20 or higher.
Project version control function is supported by CPU Unit version 1.16 or later.

Function Specifications of 3D Simulation Option (Sysmac Studio 64-bit Only)

Item Function
3D Simulation This function enables to check the followings visually on a
PC: behaviors of the equipment controlled by NJ/NX/NY Controllers
and conveyance of parts to be processed or assembled.
Adding 3D
3D CAD Data Adds 3D CAD data.
Cylinder Adds a cylinder.
Box Adds a box.
Component *1
Adds a mechanical component controlled by I/O or motion axis.
Virtual Part
Adds a virtual sensor to detect a part position.
Adding a program Adds a program to replicate the part behavior on a 3D simulation.
Programming Edit a program with Shape Script Editor.
Automatic generation
of a virtual output
program for a
limit switch
Automatically generate the Shape Script to replicate the behavior
of a limit switch in a specific mechanism.
Automatic program
generation for Part
Detection Sensor
Automatically generate the Shape Script to replicate the behavior
of Part Detection Sensor detecting a virtual part.
Execution Executes Shape Script
Settings *2
Behaviors Settings To move parts in Executing 3D Simulation, configures a 3D object
behavior toward the parts.
Bahaviors execution Simulates parts based on Behaviors Settings.
Executing 3D
Execution *1 Executes 3D Simulation
Collision detection Detects a contact between 3D objects
(e.g. equipment components, part) during operation.

*1. 3D Simulation Option is required to operate the mechanical components in a 3D simulation.
*2. Supported by Sysmac Studio version 1.54 or higher.

Function Specifications of Robot (Sysmac Studio 64-bit only)

Item Function
You can register an Omron robot as an EtherCAT node.
Robot Common
You can assign I/O that controlled with V+ program written in a robot control language.
Robot Basic
You can assign robot numbers to robots.
You can configure common settings for robot controllers.
You can configure the setting to save V+ programs, V+ variables, and task settings at startup to the Controller's non-volatile memory (SD memory card).
Monitor Window You can issue a control command directly to a robot system.
Robot Settings You can configure settings for each robot.
Programming V+ Program
You can register, edit, and debug V+ programs.
V+ Variables You can register and edit V+ variables.
Search/Replace Search/replace in V+ program.
Communication Online
You can establish an online connection between PC and Controller.
Synchronization You can compare data in the PC (project file) with that in the online-connected Robot Integrated CPU Unit to see differences in a list. Also, you can transfer the specified data all at once, together with Robot Controller Common Settings and V+ programs.
It is possible to transfer an IEC program only with the transfer option. *1
Transfer All You can transfer data between the online-connected Robot Integrated CPU Unit and PC. The data to be transferred is the same as that of Synchronization. Unlike Synchronization, data is transferred to the specified direction without showing comparison result. Robot Controller Common Settings and V+ programs are also transferred at the same time.
It is possible to transfer an IEC program only with the transfer option. *1
V+ Program
You can compare data in the PC (project file) with that in the online-connected Robot Integrated CPU Unit, and differences are shown in a list. You can specify data to transfer at once.
Push to V+
You can transfer all V+ programs and V+ variables in the PC (project file) and online-connected Robot Integrated CPU Unit from PC to Controller at the same time.
Pull from V+
You can transfer all V+ programs and V+ variables in the PC (project file) and online-connected Robot Integrated CPU Unit from Controller to PC at the same time.
Open in
Emulation Mode
Select this option before opening the project to configure Robot Control Function Module, edit V+ program and do offline debugging.
Emulation Mode
You can enable the emulation mode and re-open the project.
Emulation Mode
You can disable the emulation mode and re-open the project.
Print You can print V+ programs, V+ variables, robot settings, and others.
You can create a sample of Pack manager or Robot Vision Manager as a project of Application Manager device, based on a robot configuration crated by EtherCAT Editor.
You can specify the version of an Application Manager device. *1
Debugging 3D Visualizer You can check or change the robot's position. During a simulation, you can check movements of the robot.
Task Status
This user interface enables an online connection to Robot Control Function Module, robot's power state control, monitor speed setting, and activation of other debugging functions.
Task Manager You can allocate V+ program to a task managed by Robot Control Function Module to control execution of the program.
IO Watcher You can monitor robot's digital I/O in a list.
Front Panel
You can monitor robot's mode, power state, and emergency stop button state. This function is available in the emulation mode.
V+ Jog Control You can determine a position of the selected robot checking the 3D Visualizer. Position of the robot's tip is to be registered to a location variable.
Event Log
You can check errors in the Controller, instruct countermeasures, clear errors, or confirm it.
System Monitor You can monitor robot's parameters in real time.
eV+ Log You can display processing history of Robot Control Function Modules.
Maintenance Hardware
You can check robot's motor status.
Data Collection You can display or save the robot system data.
Motor Tuning You can send a square wave signal positioning command to the specified motor to monitor its response.
V+ Version
Setting *2
You can update configured V+ versions of the online-connecting Controller and
robot to an operable combination.
Security Robot System
This function prevents illegal changes in Robot Control Function Module settings or V+ program editing both online and offline.
Customization V+ Program You can define headers generated when creating a new V+ program, configure intellicences, etc.

*1. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.52 or higher.
*2. Supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.50 or higher and Robot Integrated CPU Units Ver. 1.48 or later.
Note: Supported by Sysmac Studio version 1.42 or higher.

Function Specifications of Application Manager (Sysmac Studio 64-bit only)

Item Function
Application Manager
Setting IP Address You can set Application Controller's IP address.
Port Number You can set the port numbers of Application Manager running on the
Application Controller.
CAD Data You can add CAD data.
Cylinder You can add cylinders.
Box You can add boxes.
Component *1
You can add mechanical components controlled by I/O or motion axes.
Virtual Part
Detection Sensor
You can add virtual sensors that detect position of the part.
Batch Export 3D
Objects *2
You can export multiple 3D Visualization Objects in a project to a file.
Import 3D
Object *2
You can import a file containing exported 3D Visualization Objects to a
Robot Vision
Belt Latch
You can calibrate the positional relation between the robot and latch.
Belt Calibration You can calibrate the positional relation between the robot and conveyor belt.
You can calibrate the positional relation between the robot and camera.
Gripper Offset
You can define where on the part the robot can pick it and flange-centered
relationship among pick spot, part model, and robot.
Vision Sequence You can display the order and dependency of vision tools to be executed.
Overlap Tool This function makes the part moving on the conveyor belt processed only
once, even if it appears in multiple images.
You can configure settings for sending results of image sensing associated
with the belt to the Controller's queue to make the robot process them.
Virtual Camera You can set a virtual camera that vision tools reference. During simulation,
the emulation camera is used, but in the real machine, it switches to the
Basler camera.
Emulation Camera You can emulate saved images as if taken by a camera.
Basler Camera You can configure settings to use the Basler camera.
Sentech Camera You can configure settings to use the Sentech camera.
Custom Device Using C# programs, you can acquire images from any camera device or
external vision system.
Virtual Capture
Device *3
Assigning the image data captured as 3D shape data in the 3D Visualizer
to a virtual camera allows you to handle it as if the data were captured with
a physical camera.
Configuration Controller
You can connect Application Manager running on the Application Controller
to the Robot Integrated CPU Unit and configure settings to instruct
controls, at a startup of Application Manager.
Data Mapper Function that allows changes in the state of robot I/O or other to be
assigned to other robot I/O or other process state changes.
Note You can create text documents.
OPC Container You can set an OPC container to communicate data with an external PC.
Program System
You can specify C# program which run automatically when an Application
Manager project running on the Application Controller is opened.
Recipe Manager This function enables batch management of initial values of V+ variables,
vision tools, cameras, and others, according to the objects handled by
equipment. You can switch CAD data using Recipe Manager. *2
Recipe Manager
You can manage recipes with C# script.
Feeders AnyFeeder You can configure settings to use AnyFeeder.
IO Feeder You can configure settings to use a general feeder.
Process Part Buffer You can set a location where the part is temporarily stored if the target
cannot be used to accept the part.
Part Target You can configure settings of a part that the robot places, which handled in
Process Manager.
Part You can configure settings of a part that the robot picks, which handled in
Process Manager.
Belt You can configure a conveyor belt.
Process Manager You can manage allocations and control queuing of multiple controllers, robots, conveyors, parts, and targets.
Allocation Script You can create Custom Part Allocation Program used in Process Manager
with C#.
Pallet It is the base object to pick and place multiple parts.
With this function, you can configure position of upward-facing camera in
order to adjust orientations of the part and gripper.
Vision Finder This function creates a vectorized depiction of an object or object function
and usually returns a result by coordinate.
Inspection By identifying pixel information, you can check the various aspects of the
detected objects or features, such as color deviations, defects, and product
Reader You can acquire character string data from characters in code or image.
Calculation You can create new entity in an image based on user-defined or existing
Image Process This function provides helpful operations and features to analyze and
process images.
Custom You can directly control processing methods for images and tools.
Programs C# Program You can reference and compute the data handled by Application Manager
with C# program to create an application.
Variables You can define a variable in the Variables section in Multiview Explorer
when you need a variable shared with multiple C# programs.
Search/Replace Search/replace in C# program.
Communication Online Connection You can establish an online connection between PC and Application
Manager on the Application Controller.
Synchronization You can compare data in the PC (project file) with that in the online-
connected Application Manager to see differences in a list. Also, you can
transfer the specified data all at once. The option that omits 3D Shape
Data from the transfer reduces the transfer time. *2
Open in
Emulation Mode
Select this option before opening the project to configure Application
Manager, Robot Control Function Module, edit V+ program and do offline
Emulation Mode
You can enable the emulation mode and re-open the project.
Emulation Mode
You can disable the emulation mode and re-open the project.
Print You can print settings of Application Manager and programs.
Debugging 3D Visualizer You can check or change position of the robot, belt, or other objects.
During a simulation, you can check movements of the robot and parts.
Task Status
You can monitor and control Process manager of Application Manager and
execution of C# program. This user interface enables an online connection
to Robot Control Function Module, robot's power state control, monitor
speed setting, and activation of other debugging functions.
Task Manager You can allocate V+ program to a task managed by Robot Control Function
Module to control execution of the program.
IO Watcher You can monitor robot's digital I/O in a list.
Virtual Front Panel You can monitor robot's mode, power state, and emergency stop button
state. This function is available in the emulation mode.
V+ Jog Control You can determine a position of the selected robot checking the 3D
Visualizer. Position of the robot's tip is to be registered to a location
Information Monitoring System Monitor You can monitor Process Manager of Application Manager, execution
status of C# program, and robot's parameters in real time.
Security Robot System
This function prevents illegal changes in Application Manager Settings both
online and offline.

Note: Supported by Sysmac Studio version 1.42 or higher.
*1. 3D Simulation Option is required to operate mechanical components during 3D simulation.
*2. Supported by Sysmac Studio version 1.54 or higher.
*3. Supported by Sysmac Studio version 1.49 or higher.

Function Specifications of CNC Functions

Item Function Applicable versions
CNC Setup You can register the CNC coordinate system and
CNC motors to use with CNC instruction.
You can also assign the Servo Drives to the CNC
motors and configure the CNC motor parameters.
Ver.1.20 or higher with
NJ501- 5300 /
CNC Coord
The coordinate system is added to the project and
you can assign CNC motor to the coordinate system.
CNC Motor
The CNC motor is assigned to the project and you
can configure its parameters.
CNC Motor
The CNC Motor Compensation Table is assigned to
the project and you can set the CNC motor
compensation data.
Programming NC Programming You can create the NC Program by using G Code
Ver.1.20 or higher with
NJ501-5300 /

Function Specifications of Automation Playback

Item Function
Setting Parameters -
Operation Settings Automation
Basic settings of Automation Playback regarding variable data collection
are configured. Also you can set the variable data to collect and the
method to output variable data to a variable log.
Monitoring Automation
You can check the operation status of Automation Playback.
Automation Playback Operation Monitor shows the sampling time margin,
sampling status, etc.
Automation Playback -
Playback You can play, stop, and perform backward/forward playback data.
Playback data is played so that the play operation of the playback data is
synchronized with the monitor display of the ladder or ST program and the
Watch tab page.
Playback Chart You can display changes in variable values during playback in a graph,
and play the video. You can also compare their waveforms with those of
other playback data.
Video Playback Window Video Playback Window plays video data. You can play the data in
synchronization with playback data.
Search Playback Data You can search for playback data by specifying variable search conditions,
such as the rising edge of a variable. You can jump to the timing when
a device variable changes and check the behavior of the device.

Note: Automation playback is supported only by the Sysmac Studio version 1.55 or higher.
    You need to select NX502-[][][][].