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FAQ03357 of Counters FAQ

FAQ No. FAQ03357

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When inputs CP1 and CP2 are simultaneously input to H7CX Multifunction Preset Counters when used as a dual counter, are both of them counted?


Yes, they are both counted.


Example: CP1 PV = 10, CP2 PV = 5
Simultaneous input of CP1 and CP2 results in CP1 CV = 11 and CP2 PV = 6.
The dual count value after addition is CP1 PV + CP2 PV, therefore 11 + 6 = 17.


Example: CP1 PV = 10, CP2 PV = 5
Simultaneous input of CP1 and CP2 results in CP1 CV = 11 and CP2 PV = 6.
The dual count value after subtraction is CP1 PV - CP2 PV, therefore 11 - 6 = 5.

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