Relays are devices making or breaking electric circuits by their output section driven by operational signal, which is triggered by electric input signal controlled by switching devices.
OMRON provides General-purpose Relays, I/O Relays, Power Relays, Latching Relays, and Ratchet Relays.
Safety Relays are used to build safety circuits for equipment and facilities. Safety Relays have a forced guided mechanism that enables detecting contact welding.
OMRON's Terminal Relay Series contributes to saving space in control panels. They are ideal for output interfaces.
I/O Relay Terminals simplify connecting PLCs and other Controllers and help reduce wiring in control panels. Achieve wiring with one Connecting Cable. Terminals are available for both inputs and outputs.
No-contact relays that semiconductor is utilized, which enables high-speed and high-frequency operation. OMRON provides Solid-state Relay for enormous range of applications.
Power Controllers
A wide range of products including Magnetic Contactors, Manual Motor Starters, Thermal relays and Auxiliary relays. Compatible with motor applications. Mirror contact mechanism (J7KC) supports safety applications.