*1. When an NT-AL001 RS-232C/RS-422A Conversion Unit is used, this value increases by 0.15 A/Unit.
*2. Sinple Backup Function and Interrupt notification function cannot be used with an NJ-system.
*3. A Serial Communications Unit with unit version 2.1 or later, a CPU Unit with unit version 1.03 orlater, and Sysmac
Studio version 1.04 or higher are required to use the SerialRcvNoClear instruction.
*4. You can activate Protocol macro trace function when the CPU Unit is set to the RUN/MONITOR mode. (MONITOR
mode is not available with the NJ-series CPU Units.)
*5. The Serial Gateway function is enabled only for Serial Communications Units of unit version 1.2 and later.
*6. The no-protocol function is enabled only for Serial Communications Units of unit version 1.2 and later (and a CS1/CJ1
CPU Unit of unit version 3.0 or a CJ2 CPU Unit is also required).
*7. The Modbus-RTU Slave function is enabled only for Serial Communications Units of unit version 1.3 and later.
*8. This unit cannot be used, with the Machine Automation Controller NJ-series.
*9. Product no longer available to order.