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FAQ00701 of Level Switches FAQ

FAQ No. FAQ00701

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Which Controller model is best for simple liquid-level detection without pump control?


61F-GP-N Floatless Level Controller is suitable.

Prepare the same number of 61F-GP-N Controllers as the number of liquid-level detection points.


Note:The power supply phases (terminals 3 to 9) can be matched to use the same ground for the common Electrode (the longest Electrode, terminal 4).

Principles of Operation:

Terminals 6 and 7, and terminals 10 and 11 on the lower -limit 61F-GP-N are shorted when the water level reaches E3 (indicator ON).

Terminals 6 and 7, and terminals 10 and 11 on the intermediate 61F-GP-N are shorted when the water level reaches E2 (indicator ON).

Terminals 6 and 7, and terminals 10 and 11 on the upper-limit 61F-GP-N are shorted when the water level reaches E1 (indicator ON).