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NY-series Artificial Intelligence Controller


Ultimate AI edge controller born from the fusion of AI and control

Specifications Unique to the AI Controllers

Function Specifications of AI Functions

This section describes the AI Controller specifications that are unique to the AI Controllers.

Item Description
AI Functions Time Series
The Time Series Database Function collects values of user-specified variables and
calculation results of the Feature Value/ Machine Learning Function into the storage
for each sampling interval. This function allows you to collect data such as variable
values to the storage without program. The collected data can be checked on the AI
Viewer. In addition, the data can be transferred to a web server by the WebAPI
Connection Function.
Feature Value/
The Feature Value/Machine Learning Function determines whether equipment events
occur from the collected data and AI machine learning model. It consists of the
Feature Extraction Function and the Machine Learning Function. The Feature
Extraction Function calculates feature values from data. The Machine Learning
Function on the other hand is designed to determines whether equipment events
occur from feature values and AI machine learning model.
The WebAPI Connection Function transmits data (CSV files) that is collected by the
Time Series Database Function in the AI Controller to a web server periodically. This
function can be used to transfer files that is collected by the Time Series Database
Function to a web server and to save and analyze data. Considering that data will be
transmitted via Internet, data is encrypted in the transmission path to the web server.

Time Series Database Function - General specifications

TimeSeries Item Specifications
Method Time-series database
(It uses a circular queue where the oldest data is deleted if it reaches the
maximum number of data.)
Number of TimeSeries 4
Sampling start/stop
It can be executed in any of the following methods:
• AI Operator
• System-defined variables
• Instructions
Export start/stop method It can be executed in any of the following methods:
• AI Operator
• System-defined variables
• Instructions
Number of used variables
with a Retain attribute
2 *1
Variable data
Size of the TimeSeries NX-series: 900 MB
NY-series: 41 GB
Number of variables
[variables/record] *2
Category of variable Global variable
Variable type The following variables can be specified:
• Basic data types
• Specifying array elements:
• Specifying members of a structure or a union
Analysis data
Size of the TimeSeries
NX-series: 1 GB
NY-series: 30 GB
Number of variables
[variables/record] *2
(including variable data, frame variables, subframe variables, and label
Category of variable Global variable
Variable type The following variables can be specified:
• Basic data types
• Specifying array elements:
• Specifying members of a structure or a union

*1. The Time Series Database Function uses two variables with a Retain attribute in the system. The maximum number of
     available variables with a Retain attribute is 39,998.
*2. A record refers to a set of data saved in the TimeSeries in a sampling task. It corresponds to a row in the exported CSV

Feature Value/Machine Learning Function - General specifications

Item Specifications
Number of equipment events 128 max.
In each
Frame variables Number of variables that
can be registered
Feature extraction
out- put frame
Number of variables that
can be registered
Supported data type Same types as the frame variables
Feature value Number of variables that
can be registered
16 max.
Number of variables that
can be registered
Supported data type LREAL, BOOL
Number of variables that
can be registered
1 *
Supported data type BOOL
Machine learning
output frame
Number of variables that
can be registered
Supported data type Same types as the frame variables
Number of classifications for equipment event
3 (Normal, Alarm Level 1, Alarm Level 2)
Equipment event detection algorithm isolation forest

* Up to six subframe variables can be registered to an equipment event.

WebAPI Connection Function - General specifications

Item Specifications
Execution trigger File transfer can be executed in the period specified by a
user on the AI Operator.
Destination specification Specify a URL of the server to which files are transferred.
Specify a URL starting with http:// or https://.When you specify
https://, SSL/TLS
communications are established.
File deletion after transfer Once the file has been transferred to the Web server
successfully, the WebAPI Connection Function deletes the
file in the AI Controller.
Connection check function To check the connection with the Web server, a file transfer
can be triggered by the AI Operator at a given timing. Refer to
NX/NY-series Artificial Intelligence Machine Automation
Controller User’s Manual (Cat. No. W594) for details.
Transfer specifications If there is more than one file to transfer at the transfer timing,
all the files are transferred.
If the last file transfer is in progress and the next file transfer
timing arrives, the execution of the last file transfer continues.
Transfer protocol The file transfer executes in accordance with the RFC1867
procedures. The multipart/ form-data in the form is used. The
tag name “datafile” is used for the transfer.
Supported versions 1.1
DNS Supported
Proxy Supported
Basic authentication Supported (Basic authentication for the proxy server and Web
server connection is supported.)
Number of files that
can be transferred
https:// is
specified for
the address)
TLS version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2
Server certificates Import the certificates to the AI Controller with the AI Operator.
Up to 32 certificates can be set.
Revocation check
for the certificates
Revocation is checked by OSCP stapling.

Common Specifications with Standard Models

The specifications of the AI Controller other than the specifications described in Specifications Unique to the AI Controllers are in common with those of standard CPU Units or IPC Machine Controllers. Refer to the corresponding specifications for each AI Controller model according to the table below.

AI Controller model Corresponding standard model
NY532-Z500 NY532-1500
NY532-Z400 NY532-1400
NY532-Z300 NY532-1300
NY512-Z500 NY512-1500
NY512-Z400 NY512-1400
NY512-Z300 NY512-1300

General Specifications

Refer to the hardware user’s manual for general specifications.
• NY-series AI Controller (NY532-Z[][][]): NY-series Industrial Panel PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W557)
• NY-series AI Controller (NY512-Z[][][]): NY-series Industrial Box PC Hardware User’s Manual (Cat. No. W556)

Performance Specifications

Refer to the following manual for the performance specifications.
• NY-series AI Controller: NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)

Function Specifications

Specifications of non-AI functions are same as those for the standard CPU Units or for the IPC Machine Controllers without the AI functions. Refer to the following manual.
• NY-series AI Controller: NY-series Industrial Panel PC / Industrial Box PC Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. W558)