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Smart Sensors (Laser Displacement & Measurement Sensors)


A Host of Smart Functions Inside a Compact Body with a Full Range of Laser Types

Sensor Heads (Reflective)

Model ZX-LD40 ZX-LD100 ZX-LD300 ZX-LD30V ZX-LD40L ZX-LD100L ZX-LD300L ZX-LD30VL
Optical system Diffuse reflective Regular
Diffuse reflective Regular
Light source
(wave length)
Visible-light semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 650 nm and an output of 1 mW max.
EN class 2, FDA class II
40 mm 100 mm 300 mm 30 mm 40 mm 100 mm 300 mm 30 mm
± 10 mm ± 40 mm ± 200 mm ± 2 mm ± 10 mm ± 40 mm ± 200 mm ± 2 mm
Beam shape Spot Line
Beam size*1 50-μm dia. 100-μm dia. 300-μm dia. 75-μm dia. 75 μm x 2 mm 150 μm x 2 mm 450 μm x 2 mm 100 μm x 1.8 mm
Resolution*2 2 μm 16 μm 300 μm 0.25 μm 2 μm 16 μm 300 μm 0.25 μm
Linearity*3 ± 0.2% FS
(entire range)
± 0.2% FS
(80 to 120 mm)
± 2% FS
(200 to 400 mm)
± 0.2% FS
(entire range)
± 0.2% FS
(32 to 48 mm)
± 0.2% FS
(80 to 120 mm)
± 2% FS
(200 to 400 mm)
± 0.2% FS
(entire range)
± 0.03% FS/°C (Except for ZX-LD300 and ZX-LD300L, which are ± 0.1% FS/°C.)
Incandescent lamp: 3,000 l× max. (on light receiving side)
Operating: 0 to 50°C, Storage: -15 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation)
Operating and storage: 35% to 85% (with no condensation)
20 MΩ min. at 500 VDC
1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min
10 to 150 Hz, 0.7-mm double amplitude 80 min each in X, Y, and Z directions
300 m/s2 3 times each in six directions (up/down, left/right, forward/backward)
Degree of
IEC60529, IP50 IEC60529, IP40 IEC60529, IP50 IEC60529, IP40
Connector relay (standard cable length: 500 mm)
(packed state)
Approx. 150 g Approx. 250 g Approx. 150 g Approx. 250 g
Materials Case: PBT
(polybutylene terephthalate),
Cover: Aluminum,
Lens: Glass
Case and cover: Aluminum,
Lens: Glass
Case: PBT
(polybutylene terephthalate),
Cover: Aluminum,
Lens: Glass
Case and cover: Aluminum,
Lens: Glass
Accessories Instruction sheet, Laser warning label (English)

*1. Beam size: The beam size is defined by 1/e2 (13.5%) of the strength of the beam at the beam center (measured
       value). Incorrect detection may occur if there is light leakage outside the defined spot and the material around the
       sensing object is more reflective than the sensing object.
*2. Resolution: The resolution is the deviation (±3σ) in the linear output when connected to the ZX-LDA Amplifier Unit.
       (The resolution is measured with the standard reference object (white ceramic), at the measurement point with the
       ZX-LDA set for an average count of 4,096 per period.)
       The resolution is given at the repeat accuracy for a stationary workpiece, and is not an indication of the distance
       accuracy. The resolution may be adversely affected under strong electromagnetic fields.
*3. Linearity: The linearity is given as the error in an ideal straight line displacement output when measuring the standard
       reference object. The linearity and measurement values vary with the object being measured.
*4. Temperature characteristic: The temperature characteristic is measured at the measurement point with the Sensor
       and reference object (OMRON's standard reference object) secured with an aluminum jig.
Note: Highly reflective objects can result in incorrect detection by causing out-of-range measurements.

Sensor Heads (Through-beam)

Model ZX-LT001 ZX-LT005 ZX-LT010 ZX-LT030
Optical system Through-beam
Light source
(wave length)
Visible-light semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 650 nm
EN class 1, FDA class II
Light source (wave length) Maximum
0.2 mW max. 0.35 mW max. 0.2 mW max.
Measurement width 1-mm dia. 1- to 2.5-mm dia. 5 mm 10 mm 30 mm
Measurement distance 0 to 500 mm 500 to 2,000 mm 0 to 500 mm
Minimum sensing object 8-μm dia. (opaque) 8- to 50-μm dia. (opaque) 0.05-mm dia. (opaque) 0.1-mm dia. (opaque) 0.3-mm dia. (opaque)
Resolution*1 4 μm*2 --- 4 μm*3 12 μm*4
±0.2% FS/°C ±0.3% FS/°C
Ambient illumination Incandescent lamp: 10,000 l× max. (on light-receiving side)
Ambient temperature Operating: 0 to 50°C, Storage: -25 to 70°C (with no icing or condensation)
Ambient humidity Operating: 35% to 85% (with no condensation)
Degree of protection IEC60529, IP40
Connection method Connector relay (standard cable length: 500 mm)
Weight (packed state) Approx. 220 g Approx. 450 g
Cable length Extendable up to 10 m with special extension cable.
Materials Case Polyether imide Zinc die-cast
Cover Polycarbonate
Front filter Glass
Tightening torque 0.3 Nm max.
Accessories Instruction sheet, Sensor Head-Amplifier Connection Cable
Optical axis adjustment seal Mounting Bracket

*1. This value is obtained by converting the deviation (±3σ) in the linear output that results when the sensor head is
       connected to the amplifier unit, into the measurement width.
*2. For an average count of 64. The value is 5 μm for an average count of 32.
       This is the value that results when a minimum sensing object blocks the light near the center of the 1-mm
       measurement width.
*3. For an average count of 64. The value is 5 μm for an average count of 32.
*4. For an average count of 64. The value is 15 μm for an average count of 32.

Amplifier Units

Model ZX-LDA11-N ZX-LDA41-N
Measurement period *1 150 μs
Possible average count
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1,024, 2,048, or 4,096
Temperature characteristic When connected to a Reflective Sensor Head: 0.01% FS/°C,
When connected to a Through-beam Sensor Head: 0.1% FS/°C
Linear output *2 Current output: 4 to 20 mA/FS, Max. load resistance: 300 Ω
Voltage output: ±4 V (± 5 V, 1 to 5 V *3), Output impedance: 100 Ω
Judgement outputs
(3 outputs:
NPN open-collector outputs, 30 VDC, 50 mA max.
Residual voltage: 1.2 V max.
PNP open-collector outputs, 30 VDC, 50 mA max.
Residual voltage: 2 V max.
Laser OFF input,
zero reset input,
timing input, reset input
ON: Short-circuited with 0-V terminal or 1.5 V or less
OFF: Open
(leakage current: 0.1 mA max.)
ON: Supply voltage short-circuited or supply voltage
within 1.5 V
OFF: Open (leakage current: 0.1 mA max.)
Functions Measurement value display, present value/set value/light level/resolution display, scaling, display reverse,
display OFF mode, ECO mode, number of display digit changes, sample hold, peak hold, bottom hold, peak-to-
peak hold, self-peak hold, self-bottom hold, average hold, delay hold, intensity mode, zero reset, initial reset,
ON-delay timer, OFF-delay timer, one-shot timer, deviation, previous value comparison, sensitivity adjustment,
keep/clamp switch, direct threshold value setting, position teaching, 2-point teaching, automatic teaching,
hysteresis width setting, timing inputs, reset input, monitor focus, linear output compensation, (A-B)
calculations14, (A+B) calculations*4, mutual interference*4, laser deterioration detection, zero reset memory,
zero reset display, key lock
Indications Operation indicators: High (orange), pass (green), low (yellow), 7-segment main display (red), 7-segment
subdisplay (yellow), laser ON (green), zero reset (green), enable (green)
Power supply voltage 12 to 24 VDC ± 10%, Ripple (p-p): 10% max.
Current consumption 140 mA max. with power supply voltage of 24 VDC (with Sensor connected)
Ambient temperature Operating and storage: 0 to 50°C (with no icing or condensation)
Ambient humidity Operating and storage: 35% to 85% (with no condensation)
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. at 500 VDC
Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min
Vibration resistance
10 to 150 Hz, 0.7-mm double amplitude 80 min each in X, Y, and Z directions
Shock resistance
300 m/s2 3 times each in six directions (up/down, left/right, forward/backward)
Connection method Prewired (standard cable length: 2 m)
Weight (packed state) Approx. 350 g
Materials Case: PBT (polybutylene terephthalate), Cover: Polycarbonate
Accessories Instruction sheet

*1. The response time for the first linear output or judgment output is calculated as follows (with fixed sensitivity):
       Measurement period × (Average count setting + 1). The response time for the second and later outputs is the
       measurement period specified in the table.
*2. The output can be switched between a current output and voltage output using a switch on the bottom of the Amplifier
*3. Setting is possible via the monitor focus function.
*4. A Calculating Unit (ZX-CAL2) is required.

Calculating Unit

Model ZX-CAL2
Applicable Amplifier Units ZX-LDA11-N/41-N/ZX-EDA11/41/ZX-TDA11/41
Current consumption 12 mA max. (supplied from the Smart Sensor Amplifier Unit)
Ambient temperature Operating: 0 to 50°C, Storage: -15 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation)
Ambient humidity Operating and storage: 35% to 85% (with no condensation)
Connection method Connector
Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min
Insulation resistance 100 MΩ (at 500 VDC)
Vibration resistance (destructive) 10 to 150 Hz, 0.7-mm double amplitude 80 min each in X, Y, and Z directions
Shock resistance (destructive) 300 m/s2 3 times each in six directions (up/down, left/right, forward/backward)
Materials Display: Acrylic, Case: ABS resin
Weight (packed state) Approx. 50 g

ZX-series Communications Interface Unit

Item ZX-SF11
Current consumption 60 mA max. (supplied by the Amplifier Unit)
Applicable Amplifier Units ZX Series
Applicable Amplifier Unit
ZX-LDA[]1-N Ver. 2.100 or higher
ZX-EDA[]1 Ver. 1.100 or higher
ZX-TDA[]1 Ver. 1.000 or higher
Max. No. of Amplifier Units 5 (max. 2 with calculating unit)
Communications port RS-232C port (9-pin D-Sub Connector)
Baud rate 38,400 bps
Data configuration Data bits: 8, Parity: none, Start bits: 1, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: none
Indicators Power supply: green, Sensor communications: green, Sensor communications
error: red,
External terminal communications: green, External terminal communications
error: red
Protective circuits Reverse polarity protection
Ambient temperature Operating: 0 to 50°C, storage: -15 to 60°C (with no icing or condensation)
Ambient humidity Operating and storage: 35% to 85% (with no condensation)
Insulation resistance 20 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC)
Dielectric strength 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min, Leakage current: 10 mA max.
Materials Case: PBT (polybutylene terephthalate), Cover: Polycarbonate
Accessories Instruction sheet, 2 clamps

* Contact your OMRON representative for CompoWay/F communications specifications.