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FAQ02536 of Programmable Controllers FAQ

FAQ No. FAQ02536

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Can C200H-LK201-V1 Host Link Unit be used with CS1-series Programmable Controllers?


No, C200H-LK201-V1 cannot be used with a CS1-series.
C200H Units that use the CPU bus or C200H Host Link Units cannot be used with CS1-series.

C200H Special I/O Units That Cannot Be Used with CS1-series

C200H Units that use the CPU busSYSMAC LINK UnitC200HW-SLK23/24 (wired)
C200HW-SLK13/14 (optical)
Controller Link UnitC200HW-CLK21 (wired)
COM BoardC200HW-COM[][]-V1
PC Card UnitC200HW-PCU01
Host Link Units(RS-232C)

*Use CS1-series products for SYSMAC LINK, Controller Link, and COM Boards, and use Serial Communications Board or Serial Communications Unit instead of Host Link Unit.