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FAQ00335 of Photoelectric Sensors FAQ

FAQ No. FAQ00335

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Can other models of Reflectors be used with Retroreflective Photoelectric Sensors instead of the supplied Reflectors?


Yes, these Reflectors can be used: E39-R1, E39-R1S, E39-R2, E39-R3, E39-R9, E39-R10, E39-RS1, E39-RS2, and E39-RS3.

This does not apply, however, to Photoelectric Sensors for detecting transparent objects (E3Z-B, E3S-R, E3S-CR62/67, E32-R21, and E32-R16) or to the E3T.

The following table gives the sensing distances for the Reflectors listed above.

Example: E3Z

ReflectorSensing distance
E39-R13 m
E39-R1S4 m
E39-R25 m
E39-R31.5 m
E39-R92.5 m
E39-R103.5 m
E39-RS1700 mm
E39-RS21.1 m
E39-RS31.4 m

Note:Tape Reflectors (E39-RS1, E39-RS2, and E39-RS3) can be used cut to the desired size.